{ F THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 114, 115, 116. 1860. 29
Zance or obligation which has been, or may be, made returnable to the said mY¤:§¤¤m1‘¢·
E court on the second Monday of November next, shall be returnable on the mfg_ ° mw third Monday of November next, and shall have the same force and efect
as if it had been made returnable on the third Monday of November next.
E Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That: the said oourt in term time, 5g9c;,,; terms Q 01* the judge of said court in vacation, may order a special term of said gg L egg; ¤¤¤y i wurt to be held at such time as the court or judge may appoint. Notice mug, gm; E of the time of holding such special term shall be given by the clerk of the g court, by advertisement in some newspaper published in the city of Hunts- § ville, at least once a week for four weeks next: preceding the time ap— i pointed for holding such special term. § Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws Repealiug i contrary to the provisions of this act: be, and the same are hereby °l*“‘“· ? repea ed.
- Approved, June 9, 1860.
i Cnr. CXIV.—-—An Ae: to Ziquidatefhc wmymed Commute ry the Tennessee Rim J¤¤¤12, 1860- ’ mprovement.
B0 it emwtect by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Certain com
States of America zu Congress assembled, That all contracts made by the tracts whe ' duly authorized officers of the Government, appointed under the act of auggd agdlgaidthirty-second Congress making an appropriation of fifty thousand dollars V01_’,:£,_16gf for the improvement of the Tennessee River, shall be audited by the neoounting officers of the treasury, and paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 12, 1860. CHAP. CXV.—-An Act to authorize the Levy Court to issue Tavern and other Licenses in June 12, 1860. I the District ry" Columbia. ~ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 11- PM, p- 803- Statcs of America in Congress asseméled, That the authority now exercised by the circuit court of the county of Wasliington, in the District of sggvzm Columbia, under and by virtue of the ninth section of the act of Congress, mdyother ucc,} entitled “An act additional to and amendatory of an act entitled ‘ An act, Sesooncerning the District of Columbiaf ” approved May third, eighteen 1Q??; QP- 5233,9- hundred and two, so for as the same relate to the licensing taverns and °'“” p' °' ordinaries. be, and the same is hereby, so transferred as to authorize the levy court of ¥Vashington county, in the District of Columbia, to grant licenses to keepers of taverns and ordinaries, to hawkers and pedlars, billiard tables, bowling saloons, and auctioneers, in that part of the county of Washington beyond the corporate limits of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, under such restrictions and penalties as the said levy eourt, may by law deem expedient. Approved, June 12, 1860. CHAP. CXVI.—-An Act to reimburse the Corporalwn of Georgetown, in the District of June 12, 1860. Columbia, a Sum of Money advanced towards the (kmstruction of the Little Falls Bridge. _“"—‘_""‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Umzgress assembled, That the sum of Your thousand six hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid beggagsigg to out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to repay to for money iid_ the corporation of Georgetown, in the District ot Columbia, all moneys vanced to com heretofore advanced by the said corporation for and towards the eonstrne- ;;{‘;_°§\*;'ifl§=; fion of the bridge over the Potomac, at the point known as the Little mw Falk. And the said corporation of Georgetown, by accepting the provisions of this act, shall waive and surrender all further claim or demand on the Government of the United States, founded on any advancement of money or other thing towards the object herein specified for any purpose