30 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117, 120. 1860. Actw WW whatsoever. This act shall commence and be in force from and after its effect from its Passage. SS! 8• U P ag Approved, June 12, 1860. ·l¤¤¤ H»1860· . .-AnA { tlz Gr dL0d f th I d d tOrd — °”"’ Cm °6.}£ r'.”u'f..*"Zj?$r.. Z>t.r.1£'2,,»t#.?’,$..'?.r.. ° " "“” "‘ " "O Be it enagted by the Segtyate and lbuse o{l"R,i;£·e:enItativesI`g]f the (gutted &a¢es 0 meriea in ongress assemble a o n aw, eorge Ofggfgigjdfg Brown, J. Wright, John T. Bangs, Martin Johnson, and others, the incorporated. oiiirers and members of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the District of Columbia, and their successors, be, and they are hereby, incorpolmgted- andhma[dei a bogy and- céigpoiptg, by the name of the Grand dve of the n epen ent er 0 e ows of the District of Columbid; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity, and may have and P¢>y¤¤ ¤f we use a common seal, and the same change at pleasure, and be entitled to P°"‘°‘°“’ use and exercise the wers rights and rivile es incident to such cor-. _ P0 a g s P g poration. Corporation Sr-:0. 2. And be it further enacted That the said corporation shall be m'*>2h°g’°’*l capable of taking and holding real and personal estate not exceeding in °°t° °’ °' value the sum of fifty thousand dollars; which estate, personal and real, shall never be divided among the members of the corporation, but shall descend to their successors, for? the promotion of the benevolent purposes of said corporation. sums; make, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, this corporation shall have °·· Y"“"· power to alter and amend their constitution and by-laws at pleasure: Provided, That they do not conflict with the laws of the United States, or the laws of the corporation of Washington City. shall not issue Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That said corporation shall not exer- ¤°*°¤· &°- cise banking privileges, or issue or put in circulation bank notes, or any . note, r, token, scri , or device to be used as currenc . Acttobe in papa . p y fom, u,,;,;; gm,. Sec. 5. And be ztfurther enacted, That this act shall continue in force £•:t<;¥h¤¤W¤¤ until Congress shall by law determine otherwise. ‘ Approved, June 12, 1860. June 13, 1860. CHAP. CXX. An Act to dissolve the “Washington': Jlanual Labor Skbool and Mak —··———·—····· Orphan Asylum Society of the District of cDlIl7IlbdG,” and to authorize the Transfer ofits gfegslto the “Columbia Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and and the m .’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Om cm,p0m_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the trustees of “Washingtion may transfer t0n’s Manual Labor School and Male Orphan Asylum Society of the Dis-
- 0*
- ,*;*;*2 &°-» °° tréict of uCo£1mb;a,” incorporated by an act of Congress approved on the
18,,2, ibn_ t irteen y o June eighteen hundred and forty-two be and the are Vol. vsp. 880. hereby authorized and, empowered, by deed or other iristrument in {vriting, to transfer all their funds and property of every description to the " Columbia. Institution for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb and th . ,, . 6 Blind, incorporated by an act of Congress approved February sixteen, 185-,, 0h_ 46_ eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, on such terms and conditions as may be Vol. xi. p. 161. agreed upon fby said corporate bodies and incorporated in such deed or instrument 0 writino. Sec. 2. And be farther enacted, That the said deed of transfer or Dggdmba ,,,. instrument of writing shall be recorded in the rec0rder’s office for land ¢<>¤‘d¤d· titles, in the county of Washington, and District of Columbia, and the terms and conditions of said deed shall be as obligatory upon said Columbra Institution as if they formed a part of its charter; and from the date of the record thereof; as aforesaid, the trustees of “Washington’s Manual Labor School and Male Orphan Asylum Society " shall be forever thereafter absolved from their trust, and the act of June thirteen, eighteen