634 THIRTY—-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 6, 7, 9. 1863. Roane, Ealhoun, Gilmer, Barbour, Tucker, Lewis, Braxton, Upshur, Randolph, Mason, Putnam. Kanawha, Clay, Nicholas, Cabell, Wayne, Boone, Logan, Wyoming, Mercer, McDowell, Webste1·, Pocahontas, Fay- ette, Raleigh, Greenbrier, Monroe, Pendleton, Hardy, Hampshire, and Morgan ; and whereas both the Convention and the Legislature aforesaid have requested that the new State should be admitted into the Union, and the Constitution aforesaid being republican in form, Congress doth hereby consent that the said forty-eight counties may be formed into a separate and independent State. Therefore -- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Wm Yirginia States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of West Vir-
- ,?Q‘Il};E;l;"t° ginia be, and is hereby, declared to be one of the United States of Amer-
° ica, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever, and until the next general census shall be entitled to three members in the House of Representatives of the after proelama- United States: Provided, always, That this act shall not take eficct until
- ll°¤L°f in P'°“*‘ after the proclamation of the President of the United States hereinafter
cn provided for. It being represented to Congress that since the Convention of the twenty-sixth of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, that framed and proposed the Constitution for the said State of West Virginia, the Proposed people thereof have expressed a wish to change the seventh section of' ¢l\¤¤&¤ °€` me the eleventh article of said Constitution by striking out the same and ing9:;2t§2?,2_ serting the following in its place, viz: “The children of slaves born within the limits of this State after the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, shall be free; and that all slaves within the said State who shall, at the time aforesaid, be under the age of ten years, shall be free when they arrive at the age of twenty-one years; and all slaves over ten and under twenty-one years shall be free when they arrive at the age of twenty-five years; and no slave shall be permitted to come into the State for permanent residence therein : “Therefore —— This activ Sec. 2. Bo it further enacted, That whenever the people of West Vir- 3*;: °°`?°t wi'"` ginia shall, through their said Convention, and by a. vote to be taken at gets ratified _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and proclaimed an election to be held within the limits of the said State, at such time as by uw I’*°¤id°¤*- the Convention may provide, make, and ratify the change aforesaid, and properly certify the same under the hand of the president of the Convention, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to issue his proclamation stating the fact, and thereupon this act shall take effect and be in force from and after sixty days from the date of said proclamation. Approved, December 31 1862. January 6, 1863. Crux-. VII. —- An Act to improve the Organization of the Cavalry Force:. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unhed Cavalry regi- States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter each regiment
- “°“*’• *$’h"'° of cavalry organized in the United States service, may have two assistwo assistant
surgeons. unt surgeons, and each company or troop of cavalry shall have from Number of sixty to seventy-eight privatcs. P’**’¤°°** *¤ Approved, January 6, 1863. COHIPBJIY- J¤¤¤¤¤'Y 13, 1863- Can-. IX. —-An Act escribing the Times and Places for holdin Terms of the Circuit
Court g the Districts of Iowa, Minnesota, and Kgnsas.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United fI‘erms<>( Cir-. States of America in Congress assembled, That the terms of the Circuit
aC3E2A2S0m Court for the districts of Iowa, Minnesota, and Kansas shall be holdeu in
and Kansas. ’ each and every year at the following times and places, to wit: For the district of Iowa, at Des Moines, on the first Tuesday in May and Novem-