Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/665

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 9, 10. 1863. 635 ber; for the district of Minnesota, at St. Paul, on the third Monday of June and October; and for the district of Kansas, at the place prescribed by law for holding terms of the district court therein, on the fourth Monday of May and November. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all writs, process, and other Y¤'°Vl¤i°¤ !°°*‘ proceedings of whatever kind relative to any cause, civil or criminal, pending in or returnable to the Circuit Court for said districts of Iowa, Minnesota, and Kansas, at terms heretofore prescribed by law, are hereby declared continued, transferred, and returnable to the said Circuit Court for said districts, respectively, at the terms first to be held under the provisions of this act. And no process issued, proceeding pending, bail-bond or recognizance taken in or returnable to either of said circuit courts shall be avoided, invalidated, or impaired by the change in the time or place of holding the terms of such court made by this act; and the entries of record may be made in conformity with the provisions of this act. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of the first section Repeal of part of "An act to amend the act of the third of March, eighteen hundred °f118°2¤°h·178v and thirty-seven, entitled ‘ An act supplementary to the act entitled "An § gm, P, 576, act to amend the judicial system of the United States,""’ approved July nfteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, as conflicts with this act be and is hereby repealed. Approved, January 13, 1863. . X.-—An Act to rovide or the Ln ri men 0 s ·' Om the Cjrimina/`C'ourt of gzesgnishicit 6; Cgliifrandluimlmdui if Crime by J Be it enacted (ry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States <y" America in Congress assembled, That all persons who shall here- Persons conafter be convicted by the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia of *9****1 9F €§“‘l“ any offence, the punishment of which by law shall be confinement in the (iopenitentiary, shall be confined during the term for which they shall be iumbiato be sentenced by said court in some suitable prison in a convenient State, °°”H“°d wh°"" where they can be employed at suitable labor, to be designated by the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Secretary of the Interior to contract with the managers or superintendent of a suitable prison in some convenient State for the imprisonment and ,,,,,,,,,,,t_S,,g;;,,;- subsistence and proper employment of all prisoners who shall be convicted wps, &¤-. of in said court of such offences, on the best terms that he can; and he shall, l’"s°“°”* on or before the first day of each term of the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, inform said court in writing of the designation and to inform the location of the prison in which he shall have made provision for the con- °°“" th°'°°£ finement and support of prisoners ; and said court shall sentence all persons who shall, during said term, be convicted of such offences, to confine- S¢¤*¢¤¢°¤· ment at hard labor in the prison so designated. _ SEO. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the &T*‘“?¤P‘»!’*¤¤°¤· Secretary of the Interior to make suitable provision for the safe trans- °"° p"S°nm' portation of all prisoners to the prison to which they shall be sentenced by the court, and until they shall be so transported they shall be confined in the jail of Washington City. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the action of the Secretary of fF°€m€Y ¤”¤¤S¥"€f the Interior, in transferring the prisoners confined in the penitentiary of 2“l);,y°§S{(; the District of Columbia to the penitentiary in the city of Albany, in the declared valid. State of New York, in the month of September last, by direction of the President, is hereby legalized and declared valid, and the said prisoners Shall continue in confinement in said prison until the expiration of their several terms of imprisonment, or until they shall be legally discharged. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all appropriations heretofore