Z90 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sxass. IH. Ch. 99. 1863. by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. "‘“*"‘&;°m ,.,"f"" "',;"$° ‘" "‘§ ”""‘°§·‘”° °°“”€§”r“€§Z"£§Z.!ff €?Z§€Z',f22$,°‘g' in 001111 { ml' tein in exas.— 0 ` g:l¥¤ t:], supporétg audyfsmshigg agricultural implements and stock, pay gf! - ·dicinc iron and steel m Tens. necessary employees, purchase Gif cllfithyig, Iflwb 'ld' ’ hocrses for th, tubfsh t and maintenance o sc oo s an un mg e e BIEMHSIQB glgiy residing in Texas, in lieu of ,those abandoned 1H that Stgtc, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Iutcmor, twenty-two thousand eigztxzndred gnddtvggntgfivc gollaxx f · - m F gw m‘h'm mte n .- or 6 expenses 0 mlgéefégimd colongzing, supingrtinginand fuirnglggag said bands with agricultuyal impl?. ments and stock, pay of necessary employees, purchase of clothmg, mechcincs, iron, and steel, and maintenance of schools, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Iutenor, thnrty-seven thousand mght hundred dollars. _ _ _ Indian sgrvioe Indian Service in C'aZQ"0rn£a.—-For tl}e g€DBI'3.l•lI]Cld6I1t3l expenses “‘ C°l'f°"“’· of the Indian service in California, mcluding travclling expenses of the superintending agents, seven thousand fivclhundred dollars. For the removal of Indians, trzmsportatxon cg fgogds, purchas?1 off eagle for beef and milk together with clothing an go , tcam§ an armmv tools for Indians f<;r the northern district of Cahforma, tlmty-tive thou? sand dollars. _ For two blacksmiths for the northern district of Califorma, fifteen hundred dollars. For two physicians for the northern district of Califorma, two thousand dollars. For the purchase of cattle for beef aryl milk, together with clothing and food, teams and farming mols for Indmns for the southern dxsmct of qf California, fiftecn thousand dollars. _ _ For the salaries of clerks to superintendents of gnd1anda§'s“rs for the northern and southern districts of California three thousand dollars. Extra clerks in For the compensation of five extra clerks Employed in the Indian office, I¤<“¤;¤ °:;°°· 7 under the acts of iiith August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third
- l_1`§,_ IQ_15g_ March, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, and under appropriations made
1865, ah. 175. from year to year, seven thousand dollars. Y;kr:· gr°“· For compensation of one clerk in the Indian office, to enable the Secrebounty {md, to tary of the Interior to carry out the regulations prescribed to give effect I¤di¤¤¤- to the seventh section of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, granting bounty lands to Indians, fourteen hundred dollirs. Extra clerks- For compensation of two extra clerks in the Indian office cmp oycd to ' carry out the treaty with the Chickasaws in the adjustment oi' their claims, two thousand eight hundred dollars. Delivprjy, Sw-, For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery
- igQ:;‘;°ij;§x:§B_ of annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota and Michinom and Mmm- gan, twenty thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-two cents.
z¤¤» For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of tho delivery to um Pawnee, of Pawnee, Ponca, and Yancton Sioux annuity goods and provisions, ten £<;¤g¤;·S ::*1 Y¤¤¤- thousand dollars. ’ For expenses of transportation and delivery of annuity goods to the
- n$,,£E¤°kf°°t Blackfcct Indians for the year, seventeen thousand dollars.
go gh; pgwag For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery ¤f L¤k¤ Siperior. of annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of Lake Superior, five thousand seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-three cents. 0*,*:1 %¥5Dp¤V¤¤_ For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery ° l"'"'"" of annuities and provisions to the Chippewas of the Mississippi, three _ _ thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and seventy-five cents. V'·°°*¤¤*¤°¤· For expenses attending the vaccination of Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars.