Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/834

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804 THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 108, 109. 1863. in rom and Du- entitled act be, and the same are hereby, applied to all damages sustained k°°°· by reason of depredations and injuries by said Indians as therein set forth, in the State of Iowa and Territory of Dakota, as well as m the State of Minnesota. Ammovnn, March 3, 1863. - to r ulate the Duties 0 the Clerk o the House a R resenta-

 CHAP. CVHL  prepdhng for the Orgarlization of th{.House. f ep

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gutted Duty <>f_¤lerk States of America in Congress assembled, That before the first meeting of

  • “ °’€“"i%"€ ‘h“ the next Congress, and of every subsequent Congress, the clerk of the

gg2E35S_ epm next; preceding House of Representatives shall make 8. roll of the repre. sentativesselect, and place thereon the names of all persons and of such persons only, whose credentials show that they were regularly elected in accordance with the laws of their states respectively, or the laws of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1863. , - amen ata o an Act entitled "An Act to rovide or the Care _ " C!;iid'P(fel¢ii·vati<;:1l>j;‘llzlz Woris cdhsthected oy the United States afbrlrringingihe Potomac Gob Q_ Q5_ Water mln the Cities of Washington and Georgetown, pr the bupply q/' said Wuterfar aZl_dG5qe_;grilmenid Purposes, and for the I/kes and Benq/it of the nhabztauts ry the ect zi . - Bc it enacted [gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Corporation of States of America in Congress assembled, if hat, in addition to the powers ¥*“h‘8;‘c¤`{t“v':a'l'B‘:_f' conferred upon the corporation of Washington by the second and third m`g’ ’ sections of the act of Congress, approved March three, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, [entitled] "An act to provide for the care and preservation of the works constructed by the United States for bringing the Potomac water into the cities of Washington and Georgetown, for the supply of said water for all governmental purposes, and for the uses and benefit of the inhabitants of the said cities," full power and authority are hereby given to the said corporation to levy and collect a water-tax on all real property within the corporate limits of the city of Washington which binds on or touches on any avenue, street, or alley in which a main water-pipe has been laid or hereafter may be laid by the United States or by the corpo- Tax to be uni. ration of Washington, which water-tax shall be as nearly as possible equal

  • `<>¤‘*¤· and uniform; may be levied on lots in proportion to their frontage or their

area, as the said corporation may determine; and may be collected in not Howlevied and less than three nor more than five annual instalments, of which instal- °<>“¢*=*°d· ments all after the first shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, commencing from the date of [at] which the first instalment becomes due, but may, at the option of the owner of the property taxed, be paid and discharged in full at any time after it shall have been levied. And the said corporation of Washington is further authorized and empowered, on petition of the owners of the majority of the real estate on any wm,,pip,,,,, square or line of squares, to lay down water-pipes and erect fire-plugs Grerlugvtund and public hydrants wherever the same may be requisite and necessary l’“bh° hYd'““°”' for public convenience, security from fire, or for health. Fire-plug mx. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, to aid in the erection, maintenance, and efiiciency of fire-plugs throughout the city, the said corporation of Washington is hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect a special annual tax on all buildings within five hundred feet of any main water-pipe into which, or the premises connected therewith, the water has not been introduced, and the owners or occupants of which do not puy an annual water·rate or rent in accordance with the ordinances of the corporation, which tax shall be levied with reference to the value of the building so taxed, and shall be not more than five dollars nor less than