Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/835

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THIRTY-—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 109, 110. 1863. 805 one dollar pcr year; but whenever the water shall be introduced, in conformity with the corporation laws, into any building or premises, the fire- Fira-plugtu. plug tax thereon shall cease; and whenever the water shall be discontinued from any building or premises into which it has been introduced, the said building shall be subject to the firc-plug tax from the data of the discontinuance of the water. SE0. 3. And be it further enacted, That the water-tax hereby author- W up M ized to be levied and collected shall constitute a fund to be used exclusively to c:,,,;;:,;?',, °‘ to defray the cost of distribution of the water, including all necessary *`¤¤d*·¤4¤*'f9y iixtures and machines connected with said distribution; and the annual g;?::::'?"' water rates or rents authorized to bqcollected by the act of which this ` act is amcndatory shall constitute a fund exclusively for the maintenance, management, and repair of the system of water distribution. Approved, March 3, 1863. CHAP. CX. —An Act to extend the Charter of the Alexandria and Washington Railroad March 3, 1808. Company, and for other Purposes. ""‘**·—·*·" Be it enacted M; the Senate and House of Represematives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Alexandria and Wash- The Alexaningum Railroad Company bc, and the same is hereby, authorized to cx- ima ““gV§”h‘ tend their said railroad from the south side of the Potomac across said gg3g,,,)} n-[ay river, to and along Maryland avenue to the Capitol grounds, and across exfwd iw rwd- Pcnusylvania avenue along First street to Indiania avenue, and thence to the Baltimore and Ohio depot; and that all the ordinary rights, privileges, and liabilities, incident to similar corporations arc conferred upon said company for that purpose: Provided, however, That the same shall be subject to alterations, amendment, or repeal: And provided, further, That the cars shall not be drawn on the streets aforesaid, or on the When mam structure across the Potomac River mentioned in the second section of §‘;;'é°" mw b° this act, by steam power without the consent of Congress and of the ` corporate authorities of the city of Washington thereto: And provided, further: That said company shall be authorized to charge and rc- Rm offreight ceivc rates of freights and fares not exceeding five cents for each person md f°"°s· transported and For each ton conveyed on said road so extended: And N0 v¤¤‘¤<>¤¤>b¤ provided, ako, That no person shall be excluded fiom the cars on account ggggfmhgxt of color. ofcolor. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said company arc hereby Additional empowered to make such additional structure or passage way along either ¤¤‘¤¢¢¤¤= ¤!¤¤: side of the Potomac bridge as may render the same safe for public use, £;?d;g?°m°° and so as not to hinder the general use of said bridge for ordinary travel, h which shall be ascertained by one or more experienced civil engineers, who shall report, by proper surveys and estimates, to the Secretary of the Interior for his approval; the whole cost of which surveys and c0nstruction of said additional bridge for the purposes aforesaid to be paid by the said company. And the said company shall construct such draws as shall Drawscorrespond with those now in use on the said bridge, and of such model as shall be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, and which shall afford" reasonable facilities for navigation on the Potomac River. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall keep k C¤1‘p¤;q*i<>¤:·> l that portion of the avenues or streets occupied by their road in good jgglfg igxgah repair, and provided with suitable crossways, at the proper places, for Vehicles and wheeled carriages, and for general use. The track of said Track,whcrc road shall be laid as nearly in the centre of the street and avenues l“d‘ ` through which it passes, as may bc, without interfering with the water mains and gas pipes, and the speed of travel shall be subject to such SP°°d°f*'*“'°l

 regulations as the corporate authorities of the city of Washington shall,

7 from time to time, prescribe, under such penalties as the said corporate h authorities shall impose: Provided, however, That the rights and prmleges