Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/85

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THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 157. 1860. 55 Scnecas of New Kvrk.——For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on S¤¤¤¢¤-5 <>fN•>W stock, per act of nineteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, Y?-$1 cb 26 six thousand dollars. V0}. gk 4x2, For interest, in lieu of investment, on seventy-five thousand dollars, at five per eentum, per net of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred and %8{“z°b· 3* forty-six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. °m' P' S5' For interest, at five per centum, on forty-three thousand and and fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario Bank to the United States treasury, per act of twenty-seventh June, eighteen hundred andrforty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Seneca.: and Shawnee:.-For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth Semen and article treaty seventeenth September, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one Se,’:·l"”$2°°· 1,,9 thousand dollars.m` P' i ` For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty twen- Vol. vii. p. 352. tieth July, eighteen hundred and thirty·0ne, one thousand and sixty dolrs. S/zawnees.—For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth Sh,_w,,8%_ article treaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety—1‘ive, and third VOL vii- P- 51- urticie treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand Y0}- X· P· I056- dollars. For the last of seven annual instalments of money, in payment for lands, per third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one hundred thousand dollars. For seventh instalment of interest, at five per centum, on forty thousand dollars, for education, per third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per fourth article v01_ v;;_I,_ 16g_ treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third article treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. Six Nations of New 171rk.—For permanent annuity in clothing and Six N¤¢i¤¤¤ ¤f other useful articles, per sixth article treaty eleventh November, seven- ML teen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. Sioux of Jih`ssissz]api.—For interest on three hundred thousand dollars, 5i;’:°“f °f MW at five per eentum, per second article treaty twenty-ninth September, vol? pj8g_ eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, fifteen thousand dollars. For tenth of fifty instalments of interest, at ive per centum, on one million three hundred and sixty thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty Vol. x. p. M9. twenty-third July, eighteen hundred and nity-one, sixty-eight thousand dollars. For tenth of fifty instalments of interest, at ive per centum, on one ` hundred and twelve thousand dollars, being the amount in lieu of the reservations set apart in the third article of Sena.te’s amendment of V01.x.p.961. twenty-third June, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to treaty twenty-third July, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, five thousand six hundred dollars. For tenth of fifty instalments of interest, at five per centum, on one million one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty VOL ,_ P_ gw fifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, fifty-eight thousand dollars. For tenth of fifty instalments of interest, at Eve per eentum, on sixty- nine thousand dollars, being the amount allowed in lieu of the reservation of lands set apart by the third article of Senate’s amendment of twenty- third June, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, to treaty hfth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, three thousand four hundred and Effy dollars. Yheaty of Fort Laramie.·-—For the last of ten instalments in provisions may d pm and merchandise, for payment of annuities and transportation of the same wi} rn to certain tribes of Indians, per seventh article treaty seventeenth Sep- °""" tember, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and Senate’s amendment thereto, seventy thousand dollars.