Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/86

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56 THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 157. 1860. Umpcpuas (cow Umpguas (Gow Creek Band.)—For seventh of twenty instalments ·in G{,°f,‘}kx_’;,'f${,l,»,_ blankets, clothing, provisions and stock, per third article treaty nineteenth l September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, ive hundred and fifty dollars. Umpqpas and Umpguas and Ualapoolas, of Uinpqda Valley, Oregon.—For sixth of {?]·*·*¤P°°¤§, at ten instalments for the pay of a blacksmith, and furu1shing shop, per stxth O?,;,?;" a °y’ article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, Vol-x-r·1127· one thousand five hundred dollars. For sixth of fifteen instalments for the pay of a physician and purchase of medicines, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For sixth of ten instalments for the pay of a farmer, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand dollars. For sixth of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher, and purchase of books and stationery, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth November, eighteen hundred and nfty-four, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. Winnebngoes. Winnebagocs.——For interest on one million one hundred thousand dol- Vol. vii. p. 646. lars, at five per centum, per fourth article treaty first November, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, nfty-five thousand dollars. _ For fourteenth of thirty instalments of interest on eighty-five thousand v°l° 'x‘P‘ S"' dollars, at five per centum, per fourth article treaty thirteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty-six, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. ,_\g9¤¤tv¤ Tribe Yancton Tribe of Sloua:.———For the second of ten instalments to be paid ° ‘°°" to them, or expended for their benefit, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to, and settle and reside upon their reservation, Vol. xi. p. 744. per fourth article treaty nineteenth April, eighteen hundred and fifty- eight, sixty-tive thousand dollars. c¤1¤pooias,Mo- Oalapooias, Molalla, and Clackamas Lzdioms of Wllamette Valley.- 1:;:*; ’;';d\$€°l°· For first of five instalments of annuity for benencial purposes, per second lnmcptg v,,n,,y_ article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, V<>r X- p· 1144· eight thousand dollars. _ Indian Service Indian Service in New Maxico.—For the general incidental expenses '" N"' M°’“°°· of the Indian service in New Mexico, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuit of civilized life, to bs expplndled under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, fifty thousand dollars. _ Indian service Indian Service in the district of cou leased om the Olwctaws or

 the Indians lately residing in Texas.j‘—t§br the elélpenses of colonizihg,

Choctaws. supporting, and fumishing agricultural implements and stock; pay of necessary employees; purchase of clothing, medicine, iron and steel; establishment and maintenance of schools; and building houses for the Indians lately residing in Texas, in lieu of those abandoned in that State, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, www A forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. Om; Axhxgld Jtorthe Mchtzos and other Ajilialed .Bmzds.—For the expenses of B,,,,d,_ colomzmg, supporting, and furnishing said bands with agricultural implements and stocks; pay of necessary employees; purchase of clothins medicines, iron and steel; establishment and maintenance of schools, ancd building agency houses, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, seventy-five thousand six hundred and ten dollars. p,,,,,,,,,_ Poncas.—Is`or second of five instalments to be paid to them, or expended for their benefit, commencing with the year in which they shall pm, p_ 9W_ remove to, and settle upon, the tract reserved for their future homes, per $3:3 graagyargwelfth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight,