Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1267

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12 2 STA T . 12 4 4 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 3 4 —M A Y 22 , 200 8‘ ‘ (2)ef f orts to id e n tif ya nd address t h reats fro mp ests and diseases , in clu din g threats to specialty crop pollinators

‘‘( 3 ) efforts to impro v e production efficiency, productivity, and profita b ility over the long term (including specialty crop policy and mar k eting); ‘‘( 4 )ne w innovations and technology, including improved mechani z ation and technologies that delay or inhibit ripening; and ‘‘( 5 ) methods to prevent, detect, monitor, control, and respond to potential food safety hazards in the production and processing of specialty crops, including fresh produce . ‘‘(c) ELIG I B L E E NT ITIE S . —T he S ecretary may carry out the I ni - tiative through— ‘‘( 1 ) F ederal agencies; ‘‘(2) national laboratories; ‘‘(3) colleges and universities; ‘‘(4) research institutions and organizations; ‘‘(5) private organizations or corporations; ‘‘( 6 ) State agricultural e x periment stations; ‘‘( 7 ) individuals; or ‘‘( 8 ) groups consisting of 2 or more entities described in paragraphs (1) through (7). ‘‘(d) R ESE ARCHP R OJ ECTS.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall award grants on a competitive basis. ‘‘(e) ADM INISTRATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.— W ith respect to grants awarded under subsection (d), the Secretary shall— ‘‘(A) seek and accept proposals for grants; ‘‘( B ) determine the relevance and merit of proposals through a system of peer and merit review in accordance with section 1 0 3; and ‘‘( C ) award grants on the basis of merit, q uality, and relevance. ‘‘(2) TERM.—The term of a grant under this section may not exceed 10 years. ‘‘(3) M ATCHING FU NDS RE Q UIRED.—The Secretary shall require the recipient of a grant under this section to provide funds or in-kind support from non-Federal sources in an amount that is at least equal to the amount provided by the Federal G overnment. ‘‘(4) O THER CONDITIONS.—The Secretary may set such other conditions on the award of a grant under this section as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. ‘‘(f) PRIORITIES.—In making grants under this section, the Sec- retary shall provide a higher priority to pro j ects that— ‘‘(1) are multistate, multi-institutional, or multidisciplinary; and ‘‘(2) include explicit mechanisms to communicate results to producers and the public. ‘‘(g) BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES.—Funds made available under this section shall not be used for the construction of a new building or facility or the acquisition, expansion, remodeling, or alteration of an existing building or facility (including site grading and improvement, and architect fees). ‘‘(h) FUNDING.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Of the funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation, the Secretary shall make available to carry out Grants. Grants.