12 2 STA T . 12 58PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 34—M A Y 22 , 2008 (1)ident i f ie scur rent trends a ndc o nstraints
( 2 ) identifies m a j oro p portunities and g aps t h at no sing l e entit yw ithin the D epartment of A griculture would b e able to address indi v idually; ( 3 ) involves — (A) interested parties from the F ederal G overnment and nongovernmental entities; and ( B ) the N ational Agricultural R esearch ,Ex tension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board established under section 1 408 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and T eaching P olicy Act of 1 97 7(7 U.S . C . 3123); (4) incorporates roadmaps for agricultural research, edu - cation, and extension made publicly available by other Federal entities, agencies, or offices; and ( 5 ) describes recommended funding levels for areas of agri- cultural research, education, and extension, including— (A) competitive programs; (B) capacity and infrastructure programs, with atten- tion to the future growth needs of— (i) small 18 6 2 I nstitutions, 1890 Institutions, and 1994 Institutions; (ii) H ispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities; (iii) N L GCA Institutions; and (iv) colleges of veterinary medicine; and (C) intramural programs at agencies within the research, education, and economics mission area; and (6) describes how organi z ational changes enacted by this Act have impacted agricultural research, extension, and edu- cation across the Department of Agriculture, including mini- mization of unnecessary programmatic and administrative duplication. (b) R EVI E WAB I L I TY .—The roadmap described in this section shall not be subject to review by any officer or employee of the Federal Government other than the Secretary (or a designee of the Secretary). (c) R O A DM A P IMPLEME N TATION AND REPO R T.—Not later than 1 year after the date on which the Secretary commences preparation of the roadmap under this section, the Secretary shall— (1) implement and use the roadmap to set the research, education, and extension agenda of the Department of Agri- culture; and (2) ma k e the roadmap available to the public. SEC.750 5. R E VI E WOFPLAN OF WOR K RE QU IRE M EN T S. (a) REVIEW.—The Secretary shall work with university partners in extension and research to review and identify measures to streamline the submission, reporting under, and implementation of plan of work re q uirements, including those requirements under— (1) sections 1444(d) and 1445(c) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3221(d) and 3222(c), respectively); (2) section 7 of the Hatch Act of 1887 (7 U.S.C. 361g); and (3) section 4 of the Smith-Lever Act (7 U.S.C. 344). 7USC 7 614b.