Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/144

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12 2 STA T . 121 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 enlist e dm em b e rf r o me ach of the A rm y,N a v y, M arine C or p s, and Air F orce .‘ ‘ (2)T he term on the Co u ncil of the members appointed under para g raph ( 1 )(C) shall be three years. ‘‘(c) M E E TINGS . — The Council shall meet not less often than t w ice each year. ‘‘(d) DU TIES.—The duties of the Council shall include the fol - lowing

‘‘(1) To review and ma k e recommendations to the S ecretary of Defense regarding the policy and plans re q uired under sec- tion 1 78 1b of this title. ‘‘(2) To monitor requirements for the support of military family readiness by the Department of Defense. ‘‘( 3 ) To evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense. ‘‘(e) ANNU ALR E POR TS.—(1) Not later than February 1 each year, the Council shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense committees a report on military family readiness. ‘‘(2) E ach report under this subsection shall include the fol- lowing: ‘‘(A) An assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense during the preceding fiscal year in meeting the needs and requirements of military families. ‘‘( B ) Recommendations on actions to be taken to improve the capability of the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense to meet the needs and requirements of military families, including actions relating to the allocation of funding and other resources to and among such programs and activities. ‘ ‘ §178 1 b.Departm e n t of Defen s epo licy an d plans for military family readiness ‘‘(a) P OLI CY AN D PLANS RE Q UIRED.—The Secretary of Defense shall develop a policy and plans for the Department of Defense for the support of military family readiness. ‘‘(b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of the policy and plans required under subsection (a) are as follows: ‘‘(1) To ensure that the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense are comprehensive, effective, and properly supported. ‘‘(2) To ensure that support is continuously available to military families in peacetime and in war, as well as during periods of force structure change and relocation of military units. ‘‘(3) To ensure that the military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense are available to all military families, including military families of members of the regular components and military families of members of the reserve components. ‘‘( 4 ) To make military family readiness an e x plicit element of applicable Department of Defense plans, programs, and budg- eting activities, and that achievement of military family readi- ness is expressed through Department-wide goals that are identifiable and measurable.