Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1610

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12 2 STA T . 1 587PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 4 —J U NE6, 2008 (14 4 )in i tem n u m b e r235 2b ys tri k in g t h e p r oj e c t d escrip - tion a nd inserting ‘ ‘ S treetscaping and transportation enhance- ments on 7 th Street in C a l e x ico , tra f fic signali z ation on H igh- w ay7 8 , construction of the R enewable E nergy and T ranspor- tation L earning Center, impro v e and enlarge parking lot, and create bus stop, B rawley ’ ’

(145) in item number 3482 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Conduct a study to examine multi-modal improvements to the I– 5 corridor between the M ain Street Interchange and State Route 54’’; (14 6 ) in item number 1275 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Scoping, permitting, engineering, construc- tion management, and construction of Riverbank P ark Bike Trail, K earny’’; (147) in item number 726 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘ G rade Separation at V anowen and Clybourn, Burbank’’; (148) in item number 157 9 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘San Gabriel Blvd . rehabilitation project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel’’; (149) in item number 269 0 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘San Gabriel Blvd. rehabilitation project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel’’; (150) in item number 2811 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘San Gabriel Blvd. rehabilitation project, Mission Road to Broadway, San Gabriel’’; (151) in item number 259 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘ D esign and construction of the Clair N elson Intermodal Center in F inland, Lake County’’; (152) in item number 3456 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Completion of Phase II / Part I of a project on Elizabeth A venue in Coleraine to west of Itasca County State Aid Highway 15 in Itasca County’’; (153) in item number 2329 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘ U pgrade streets, undertake streetscaping, and implement traffic and pedestrian safety signalization improvements and highway-rail crossing safety improvements, O ak Lawn’’; (154) in item number 766 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘Design and construction of the walking path at Ellis Pond, Norwood’’; (155) in item number 3474 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘ Y ellow River Trail, Newton County’’; (156) in item number 3291 by striking the amount and inserting ‘‘ $ 200,000’’; (157) in item number 3635 by striking the matters in the State, project description, and amount columns and inserting ‘‘GA’’, ‘‘Access Road in Montezuma’’, and ‘‘$200,000’’, respectively; (158) in item number 716 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘Conduct a project study report for new Highway 99 Interchange between SR 165 and Bradbury Road, and safety improvements/realignment of SR 165, serving Turlock/Hilmar region’’; (159) in item number 1386 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘Pedestrian and bicycle facilities,