Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1611

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12 2 STA T . 1 58 8 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 4 4 —J U NE6, 2008 andstre et ligh ting in H add o n Heights ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ $30 0 , 000’’, res p e c- ti v el y;(16 0 ) in ite m n u m b er 27 20 by stri k ing the pro j ect descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘ P edestrian and bicycle f acilities and street lighting in B arrington and streetscape improvements to C lements Bridge R oad from the circle at the W hite Horse Pike to NJT urnpike overpass in Barrington’’ and ‘‘$700,000’’, respectively; (161) in item number 2 5 23 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Penobscot Riverfront D evelopment for bicycle trails, amenities, traffic circulation improvements, and w aterfront access or stabili z ation, Bangor and Brewer’’; (162) in item number 5 4 5 by striking the project description and inserting ‘‘Planning, design, and construction of improve- ments to the highway systems connecting to L ewistown and A uburn downtowns’’; (163) by striking item number 216 8

(164) by striking item number 170; (165) in item number 2366 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Design, engineering, right-of-way ac q uisi- tion, and paving of the parking lot at the Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre Township’’; (166) in item number 826 by striking ‘‘and I nterstate 81’’ and inserting ‘‘and e x it 168 on Interstate 81 or the intersection of the connector road with Northampton S t . ’’; (167) in item number 2144 by striking the project descrip- tion and inserting ‘‘Design, engineering, right-of-way acquisition and construction of streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting, safety improvements, parking, and roadway redesign on Third Street from Pittston Avenue to Packer Street; Swift Street from Packer Street to Railroad Street; Clark Street from M ain Street to South Street; School Street from Main Street to South Street; Plane Street from G rove Street to Wil- liam Street; John Street from 4 John Street to William Street; Grove Street from Plane Street to Duryea Borough line; Wood Street from Cherry Street to Hawthorne Street in Avoca Bor- ough, Luzerne County’’; (168) in item number 1765 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘Design, engineering, right- of-way acquisition, and construction of street improvements, streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting, safety improve- ments, parking, roadway redesign in Pittston, including right- of-way acquisition, structure demolition, and intersection safety improvements in the vicinity of and including Main, William, and Parsonage Streets in Pittston’’ and ‘‘$1,600,000’’, respec- tively; (16 9 ) in item number 2957 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘Design, engineering, land acquisition, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of a parking garage, streetscaping enhancements, paving, lighting, safety improvements, parking, and roadway redesign in the city of Wilkes-Barre’’ and ‘‘$2,800,000’’, respectively; (170) in item number 3283 by striking the project descrip- tion and amount and inserting ‘‘Pedestrian access improve- ments, including installation of infrastructure and equipment for security and surveillance purposes at subway stations in Astoria, New Y ork’’ and ‘‘$1,300,000’’, respectively;