Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2118

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12 2 STA T . 2 095PUBLIC LA W 110 – 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 (b)CONF O RMI N GA M E N D MEN T.—TheBiomas s R esea rc ha ndD e v e l o p men t Act o f20 00( 7U . S .C. 86 0 1 et se q .) is repealed. SEC.90 0 2 . BIOFU E L SI N F RA S T RUCTURE STU DY . (a) I N G ENER AL .—The Secretar y ofA g ric u lture , the Secretary of E nergy, the Administrator of the Environmental P rotection Agency, and the Secretary of Transportation (referred to in this section as the ‘ ‘Secretaries ’ ’), shall j ointly conduct a study that includes— (1) an assessment of the infrastructure needs for e x panding the domestic production, transport, and distribution of biofuels given current and li k ely future market trends

(2) recommendations for infrastructure needs and develop - ment approaches, taking into account cost and other associated factors; and ( 3 ) a report that includes— (A) a summary of infrastructure needs; (B) an analysis of alternative development approaches to meeting the needs described in subparagraph (A), including cost, siting, and other regulatory issues; and (C) recommendations for specific infrastructure development actions to be taken. (b) S C O P EOFST U D Y .— (1) IN GENERAL.—In conducting the study described in sub- section (a), the Secretaries shall address— (A) current and likely future market trends for biofuels through calendar year 202 5

(B) current and future availability of feedstocks; (C) w ater resource needs, including water requirements for biorefineries; (D) shipping and storage needs for biomass feedstock and biofuels, including the adequacy of rural roads; and (E) modes of transportation and delivery for biofuels (including shipment by rail, truck, pipeline or barge) and associated infrastructure issues. (2) CON S IDERATIONS.—In addressing the issues described in paragraph (1), the Secretaries shall consider— (A) the effects of increased tank truck, rail, and barge transport on existing infrastructure and safety; (B) the feasibility of shipping biofuels through pipelines in existence as the date of enactment of this Act; (C) the development of new biofuels pipelines, including siting, financing, timing, and other economic issues; (D) the implications of various biofuel blend levels on infrastructure needs; (E) the implications of various approaches to infra- structure development on resource use and conservation; ( F ) regional differences in biofuels infrastructure needs; and (G) other infrastructure issues, as determined by the Secretaries. (c) IMPLEMENTATION.—In carrying out this section, the Secre- taries — (1) shall— (A) consult with individuals and entities with interest or expertise in the areas described in subsection (b); Reports.