Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/28

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12 2 STA T .5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.235 . As sess m e ntof s u ff i cienc y of test a n d e v a l uation p e r sonnel. Sec. 23 6 . R epeal of re q uirement for separate reports on tec h nolo g y area revie w and assessment summaries. Sec. 23 7 . M odification of notice and wait requirement for o b ligation of funds for for - eign comparative test program. Sec. 23 8 . Strategic P lan for the Manufacturing T echnology Program. Sec. 23 9 . Modification of authorities on coordination of D efense Ex perimental Pro- gram to Stimulate C ompetitive Research with similar F ederal programs. Sec. 2 40 . Enhancement of defense nanotechnology research and development pro- gram. Sec. 24 1 . Federally funded research and development center assessment of the De- fense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. Sec. 242. Cost-benefit analysis of proposed funding reduction for H igh Energy L aser Systems Test Facility. Sec. 243. Prompt global stri k e. T I TLE III —O PERATIO N AND MAINTENANCE Subtitle A—Authori z ation of Appropriations Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding. Subtitle B —Environmental Provisions Sec. 311. Reimbursement of Environmental Protection Agency for certain costs in connection with Moses Lake W ellfield Superfund Site , Moses Lake, Washington. Sec. 312. Reimbursement of Environmental Protection Agency for certain costs in connection with the Arctic Surplus Superfund Site, Fairbanks, Alaska. Sec. 313. Payment to Environmental Protection Agency of stipulated penalties in connection with J ackson Park Housing Complex, Washington. Sec. 314. Report on control of the brown tree snake. Sec. 315. Notification of certain residents and civilian employees at Camp Le j eune, North Carolina, of exposure to drinking water contamination. Subtitle C—Workplace and Depot Issues Sec. 321. Availability of funds in Defense Information Systems Agency Working Capital Fund for technology upgrades to Defense Information Systems Network. Sec. 322. Modification to public-private competition requirements before conversion to contractor performance. Sec. 323. Public-private competition at end of period specified in performance agreement not required. Sec. 324. G uidelines on insourcing new and contracted out functions. Sec. 325. Restriction on Office of Management and Budget influence over Depart- ment of Defense public-private competitions. Sec. 326. Bid protests by Federal employees in actions under Office of Management and Budget Circular A – 76. Sec. 327. Public-private competition required before conversion to contractor per- formance. Sec. 328. Extension of authority for Army industrial facilities to engage in coopera- tive activities with non-Army entities. Sec. 329. Reauthorization and modification of multi-trades demonstration project. Sec. 330. Pilot program for availability of working-capital funds to Army for certain product improvements. Subtitle D—Extension of Program Authorities Sec. 341. Extension of Arsenal Support Program Initiative. Sec. 342. Extension of period for reimbursement for helmet pads purchased by members of the Armed Forces deployed in contingency operations. Sec. 343. Extension of temporary authority for contract performance of security guard functions. Subtitle E—Reports Sec. 351. Reports on National Guard readiness for emergencies and major disas- ters. Sec. 352. Annual report on prepositioned materiel and equipment. Sec. 353. Report on incremental cost of early 2007 enhanced deployment. Sec. 354. Modification of requirements of Comptroller General report on the readi- ness of Army and Marine Corps ground forces. Sec. 355. Plan to improve readiness of ground forces of active and reserve compo- nents. Sec. 356. Independent assessment of Civil Reserve Air Fleet viability.