Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/40

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12 2 STA T . 1 7PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.15 1 0 . Oth e rD e pa rt m e n t of Defen s e pro g rams. Sec. 1511. I ra qF ree d omF u nd. Sec. 151 2 . Iraq Secur i t y Forces Fund. Sec. 151 3 . A fghanistan Security Forces Fund. Sec. 151 4 . M i l itary personnel. Sec. 1515. Strategic R eadiness Fund. Sec. 151 6 . T reatment as additional authori z ations. Sec. 151 7 . Special transfer authority. TIT LEXV I —W O UN DED WARRIOR MATTERS Sec. 1601. Short title. Sec. 1602. G eneral definitions. Sec. 1603. C onsideration of gender - specific needs of reco v ering service mem b ers and veterans. Subtitle A— P olicy on Improvements to Care , Management, and Transition of Recovering Service Members Sec. 1611. Comprehensive policy on improvements to care, management, and tran- sition of recovering service members. Sec. 1612. Medical evaluations and physical disability evaluations of recovering service members. Sec. 1613. Return of recovering service members to active duty in the Armed Forces. Sec. 1614. Transition of recovering service members from care and treatment through the Department of Defense to care, treatment, and rehabilita- tion through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Sec. 1615. Reports. Sec. 1616. Establishment of a w ounded warrior resource center. Sec. 1617. Notification to Congress of hospitalization of combat wounded service members. Sec. 161 8 . Comprehensive plan on prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of, and research on, traumatic brain in j ury, post-trau- matic stress disorder, and other mental health conditions in members of the Armed Forces. Subtitle B —Centers of E x cellence in the Prevention, Diagnosis, Mitigation, Treat- ment, and Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury, Post-Traumatic Stress Dis- order, and Eye Injuries Sec. 1621. Center of excellence in the prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury. Sec. 1622. Center of excellence in prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health conditions. Sec. 1623. Center of excellence in prevention, diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, and rehabilitation of military eye injuries. Sec. 1624. Report on establishment of centers of excellence. Subtitle C— H ealth Care Matters Sec. 1631. Medical care and other benefits for members and former members of the Armed Forces with severe injuries or illnesses. Sec. 1632. Reimbursement of travel expenses of retired members with combat-re- lated disabilities for follow-on specialty care, services, and supplies. Sec. 1633. Respite care and other extended care benefits for members of the uni- formed services who incur a serious injury or illness on active duty. Sec. 1634. Reports. Sec. 1635. Fully interoperable electronic personal health information for the De- partment of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs. Sec. 1636. Enhanced personnel authorities for the Department of Defense for health care professionals for care and treatment of wounded and injured members of the Armed Forces. Sec. 1637. Continuation of transitional health benefits for members of the Armed Forces pending resolution of service-related medical conditions. Subtitle D—Disability Matters Sec. 1641. Utilization of veterans ’ presumption of sound condition in establishing eligibility of members of the Armed Forces for retirement for disability. Sec. 1642. Requirements and limitations on Department of Defense determinations of disability with respect to members of the Armed Forces. Sec. 1643. Review of separation of members of the Armed Forces separated from service with a disability rating of 20 percent disabled or less.