Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/41

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12 2 STA T . 1 8PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 181 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.164 4. Authoriza tio n o fp i l ot pro g ra ms to impro v e the d isa b ilit y evaluation sys - tem for members of the Armed F orces. Sec. 164 5 . R eports on Army action plan in response to deficiencies in the Army physical disability evaluation system. Sec. 1646. E nhancement of disability severance pay for members of the Armed Forces. Sec. 164 7 . Assessments of continuing utility and future role of temporary disability retired list. Sec. 164 8 . Standards for military medical treatment facilities , specialty medical care facilities, and military q uarters housing patients and annual report on such facilities. Sec. 164 9 . Reports on Army M edical Action P lan in response to deficiencies identi- fied at W alter Reed Army Medical C enter, D istrict of Columbia. Sec. 165 0 . Required certifications in connection w ith closure of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, District of Columbia. Sec. 1651. H andboo k for members of the Armed Forces on compensation and bene- fits available for serious in j uries and illnesses. Subtitle E — Studies and Reports Sec. 1661. Study on physical and mental health and other readjustment needs of members and former members of the Armed Forces who deployed in O p- eration I raqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom and their fami- lies. Sec. 166 2 . Access of recovering service members to adequate outpatient residential facilities. Sec. 166 3 . Study and report on support services for families of recovering service members. Sec. 1664. Report on traumatic brain injury classifications. Sec. 1665. Evaluation of the Polytrauma L iaison Officer /N on-Commissioned Officer program. Subtitle F—Other Matters Sec. 1671. Prohibition on transfer of resources from medical care. Sec. 1672. Medical care for families of members of the Armed Forces recovering from serious injuries or illnesses. Sec. 1673. Improvement of medical tracking system for members of the Armed Forces deployed overseas. Sec. 1674. G uaranteed funding for Walter Reed Army Medical Center, District of Columbia. Sec. 1675. U se of leave transfer program by wounded veterans who are Federal em- ployees. Sec. 1676. Moratorium on conversion to contractor performance of Department of Defense functions at military medical facilities. T ITLE XV II—VETERANS MATTERS Sec. 1701. Sense of Congress on Department of Veterans Affairs efforts in the reha- bilitation and reintegration of veterans with traumatic brain injury. Sec. 1702. Individual rehabilitation and community reintegration plans for vet- erans and others with traumatic brain injury. Sec. 1703. Use of non-Department of Veterans Affairs facilities for implementation of rehabilitation and community reintegration plans for traumatic brain injury. Sec. 1704. Research, education, and clinical care program on traumatic brain in- jury. Sec. 1705. Pilot program on assisted living services for veterans with traumatic brain injury. Sec. 1706. Provision of age-appropriate nursing home care. Sec. 1707. E x tension of period of eligibility for health care for veterans of combat service during certain periods of hostilities and war. Sec. 1708. Service-connection and assessments for mental health conditions in vet- erans. Sec. 1709. Modification of requirements for furnishing outpatient dental services to veterans with service-connected dental conditions or disabilities. Sec. 1710. Clarification of purpose of outreach services program of Department of Veterans Affairs. Sec. 1711. Designation of fiduciary or trustee for purposes of Traumatic Servicemembers ’ Group Life Insurance. TITLE XVIII—NATIONAL GUARD B UREAU MATTERS AND RELATED MATTERS Sec. 1801. Short title.