Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4193

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12 2 STA T .4 1 70PUBLIC LA W 110 –389—O CT. 10 , 2008 (B)insub s ect i o n (c) ,a s r e d esi g nated b yp aragrap h ( 1 )( A )o f this subsection, by inserting ‘ ‘A VAIL A B ILI TYOFIN FO RM ATION M AT E RIAL .—’ ’ after ‘‘(c)’’. (b) R E P ORT.— N ot l ater than 240 days after the date of the enact m ent of this Act, the S ecretary of V eterans Affairs shall submit to the C ommittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Senate and the Com - mittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the H ouse of Representati v es a report setting forth the follo w ing

(1) T he actions ta k en to establish outcome-oriented performance standards for State approving agencies created or designated under section 367 1oftitle3 8 , U nited States Code, including a description of any plans for, and the status of the implementation of, such standards as part of the evalua- tions of State approving agencies re q uired by section 3674A of title 38, United States Code. (2) The actions taken to implement a tracking and reporting system for resources e x pended for approval and outreach activi- ties by such agencies. (3) Any recommendations for legislative action that the Secretary considers appropriate to achieve the complete implementation of the standards described in paragraph (1). Subti t leC—Voca tio n al R e h abilitation M atte rsSEC.3 3 1 . WAIV E ROF24-M O NTHL IMITATION ON P RO G RAM OF IN D E- PENDENT LIVING SERVICES AND ASSISTANCE FOR VET- ERANS WITH A SEVERE DISA B ILIT Y INC U RRED IN THE POST- 9/ 11 GLOBAL OPERATIONS PERIOD. Section 310 5 (d) is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘Unless the Secretary’’ and all that follows through ‘‘the period of a program’’ and inserting ‘‘(1) E xcept as provided in paragraph (2), the period of a program’’

and (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(2)(A) The period of a program of independent living services and assistance for a veteran under this chapter may exceed twenty- four months as follows: ‘‘(i) If the Secretary determines that a longer period is necessary and likely to result in a substantial increase in the veteran’s level of independence in daily living. ‘‘(ii) If the veteran served on active duty during the P ost- 9/ 11 G lobal O perations period and has a severe disability (as determined by the Secretary for purposes of this clause) incurred or aggravated in such service. ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘Post-9/11 Global Operations period’ means the period of the Persian Gulf W ar beginning on September 11, 2001, and ending on the date thereafter prescribed by Presidential proclamation or by law.’’. SEC. 332. INCREASE IN CAP OF NUMBER OF VETERANS PARTICIPATING IN INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM. Section 3120(e) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘2500 veterans’’ and inserting ‘‘2600 veterans’’. 38USC 3 105.