Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/445

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12 2 STA T .4 22 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (1)DUTIES.—Subsection (b) o f section 1 5 1 6 oft h e Arm e dF orces R etirement H omeActof1 9 91( 24U .S. C . 416) is a mended to read as fo l lo w s

‘(b) DUTIES.—(1) T he L ocal B oard for a facilit y shall ser v e in an advisory ca p acity to the Director of the facility and to the Chief O peratin g Officer. ‘‘(2) The Local Board for a facility shall provide to the Chief Operating Officer and the Director of the facility such guidance and recommendations on the administration of the facility as the Local Board considers appropriate. ‘‘( 3 ) N ot less often than annually , the Local Board for a facility shall provide to the Under Secretary of Defense for P ersonnel and Readiness an assessment of all aspects of the facility, including the q uality of care at the facility. ’ ’. (2) C OMP OSITIO N .—Subparagraph ( K ) of subsection (c) of such section is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(K) One senior representative of one of the chief personnel officers of the Armed Forces, who shall be a commissioned officer of the Armed Forces serving on active duty in the grade of brigadier general, or in the case of the Navy or Coast G uard, rear admiral (lower half).’’. (f) I NSPE C TION O F RETI R EMENT HOME.—Section 151 8 of the Armed Forces Retirement Home Act of 1991 (24 U.S.C. 418) is amended to read as follows: ‘ ‘ SEC.15 1 8 . IN S P EC T I O NO FR ETIRE M ENT H OME. ‘‘(a) DUT Y OF INSPECTOR GENER AL OFT H E DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.—The Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall have the duty to inspect the Retirement Home. ‘‘(b) INSPECTIONS B Y INSPECTOR GENERAL.—(1) In any year in which a facility of the Retirement Home is not inspected by a nationally recogni z ed civilian accrediting organization, the Inspector General of the Department of Defense shall perform a comprehensive inspection of all aspects of that facility, including independent living, assisted living, medical and dental care, phar - macy, financial and contracting records, and any aspect of either facility on which the Local Board for the facility or the resident advisory committee or council of the facility recommends inspection. ‘‘(2) The Inspector General shall be assisted in inspections under this subsection by a medical inspector general of a military department designated for purposes of this subsection by the Sec- retary of Defense. ‘‘(3) In conducting the inspection of a facility of the Retirement Home under this subsection, the Inspector General shall solicit concerns, observations, and recommendations from the Local Board for the facility, the resident advisory committee or council of the facility, and the residents of the facility. Any concerns, observations, and recommendations solicited from residents shall be solicited on a not-for-attribution basis. ‘‘(4) The Chief Operating Officer and the Director of each facility of the Retirement Home shall ma k e all staff, other personnel, and records of each facility available to the Inspector General in a timely manner for purposes of inspections under this sub- section. ‘‘(c) REPORTS ON INSPECTIONS BY INSPECTOR GENERAL.—(1) The Inspector General shall prepare a report describing the results of each inspection conducted of a facility of the Retirement Home