Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/446

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12 2 STA T .4 2 3PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 unders u b se ctio n ( b ),a nd inc l udeint h ere p ort such reco m menda - tions as the I nspector G eneral considers appropriate in li g hto f the inspection .N ot later than 45 da y s after completing the inspec- tion of the facility, the Inspector General shall submit the report to C ongress and the S ecretary of D efense, the U nder Secretary of Defense for P ersonnel and R eadiness, the Chief O perating Officer, the Director of the facility, the Senior M edical A d v isor, and the L ocal B oard for the facility. ‘ ‘( 2 ) Not later than 45 days after receiving a report of the Inspector General under paragraph ( 1 ), the Director of the facility concerned shall submit to the Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, the Chief Oper- ating Officer, and the Local Board for the facility, and to Congress, a plan to address the recommendations and other matters set forth in the report. ‘‘(d) A D D IT I ONAL IN SPEC TIONS. — (1) T he Chief Operating Officer shall re q uest the inspection of each facility of the Retirement H ome by a nationally recogni z ed civilian accrediting organization in accordance w ith section 1511(g). ‘‘(2) The Chief Operating Officer and the Director of a facility being inspected under this subsection shall ma k e all staff, other personnel, and records of the facility available to the civilian accred- iting organization in a timely manner for purposes of inspections under this subsection. ‘‘(e) REPO R TS ON ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS.—(1) Not later than 45 days after receiving a report of an inspection from the civilian accrediting organization under subsection (d), the Director of the facility concerned shall submit to the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, the Chief Operating Officer, and the Local Board for the facility a report containing— ‘‘(A) the results of the inspection

and ‘‘(B) a plan to address any recommendations and other matters set forth in the report. ‘‘(2) Not later than 45 days after receiving a report and plan under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense shall submit the report and plan to Congress. ’ ’. (g) AR M ED F ORCES RETIREMENT HOME TR U ST FUND.—Section 151 9 of the Armed Forces Retirement Home Act of 1991 (24 U.S.C. 419) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection

‘‘(d) REPORTIN G RE Q UIREMENTS.—The Chief Financial Officer of the Armed Forces Retirement Home shall comply with the reporting requirements of subchapter II of chapter 3 5 of title 31, United States Code.’’. TI T LEXV—AU T HOR I Z ATIO N O F A D DI - TIONAL A P PROPRIATION S FOR OPER- ATION IRA Q I FREEDO M AND OPER- ATION ENDURIN G FREEDOM Sec.150 1. Purpos e. Sec. 150 2 . A r my procureme nt . Sec. 150 3 . Nav yan dM ar i ne C orps procurement. Sec. 150 4 . Air F orce procurement. Sec. 1505. J oint I mprovised Ex p l osive D evice De f eat Fund. Sec. 150 6 . Defense -w ide activities procurement. Sec. 150 7 . R esearc h, development, test, and evaluation.