Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4673

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12 2 STA T .4650PUBLIC LA W 110 – 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8Year20 0 7(PublicL a w1 0 9–364; 120 St at . 2439 ) i s a m e nd edb y insertin g a f ter ‘ ‘fi v e days ’ ’t h ef o llowing

‘‘(in the case of the obliga - tion of funds) or 1 5 days (in the case of a transfer of funds)’’. (d) MONTHLYOB L IGA TION S AN DEXPE NDIT UR E R EPORTS. —N ot later than 15 days after the end of each month of fiscal year 2009 , the Secretary of D efense shall p rovide to the congressional defense committees a report on the J oint I mprovised E x plosive Device Defeat F und explaining monthly commitments, obligations, and expenditures by line of action. (e) MODI F I C ATION OF SUB M ITTAL DATE OF OTHER REPORTS.— Section 1514(e) of the John W arner National Defense A uthori z ation Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109–364; 120 Stat. 2440) is amended by stri k ing ‘‘30 days’’ and inserting ‘‘60 days’’. SEC.1504 . SC I E N CE A N DT EC H N OL O GY IN V EST M ENT ST R ATEGY TO DE F EAT OR CO U NTER IM P ROVISED E X PLOSIVE DEVICES. (a) STRATEGY RE Q UIRED.— T he Director of the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), j ointly with the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, shall develop a comprehensive science and technology investment strategy for coun- tering the threat of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). (b) ELEMENTS.—The strategy developed under subsection (a) shall include the following: (1) Identification of counter-IED capability gaps. (2) A taxonomy describing the major technical areas for the Department of Defense to address the counter-IED capa- bility gaps and in which science and technology funding invest- ments should be made. (3) Identification of funded programs to develop or mature technologies from or to the level of system or subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment, and investment levels for those initiatives. (4) Identification of JIEDDO’s mechanisms for coordinating Department of Defense and Federal G overnment science and technology activities in areas covered by the strategy. (5) Identification of technology transition mechanisms developed or utilized to efficiently transition technologies to ac q uisition programs of the Department of Defense or into operational use, including a summary of counter-IED tech- nologies transitioned from JIEDDO, the military departments, and other Defense Agencies to the acquisition programs or into operational use. (6) Identification of high priority basic research efforts that should be addressed through JIEDDO or other Department of Defense activities to support development of next generation IED defeat capabilities. (7) Identification of barriers or issues, such as industrial base, workforce, or statutory or regulatory barriers, that could hinder the efficient and effective development and operational use of advanced IED defeat capabilities, and discussion of activi- ties undertaken to address them. ( 8 ) Identification of the measures of effectiveness for the overall Department of Defense science and technology counter- IED effort. (9) Such other matters as the Director of the JIEDDO and the Director of Defense Research and Engineering consider appropriate. 10USC2358note.