Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4674

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12 2 STA T .465 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8(c)REPORT.—Notla t er t h a nM arch 1,20 0 9 ,an d each March 1 therea f ter thro ug h March 1, 201 3 , the Di rector of the JIE DD O and the Director of Defen s e Research and Engineering shall j ointl y su bm it to the congressional defense committees a re p ort describing the implementation of the strategy de v eloped under subsection (a). T he report may be in unclassified and classified format, as nec - essary. SEC.150 5. LIM I TA TI ON SONI R A Q SEC U RIT YF ORCES FUN D . F unds appropriated pursuant to the authori z ation of appropria- tions in section 1 5 01 of this A ctorinthe S upplemental Appropria- tions Act, 200 8 ( P ublic L a w 110 – 252

122 Stat. 2 4 0 7 ) and made available to the Department of Defense for the Ira q Security Forces Fund shall be subject to the conditions contained in subsections (b) through (g) of section 1512 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 2008 (Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 42 6 ). SEC. 150 6 . LIMITATIONS ON AF GH ANISTAN SECURITY FORCES FUND. Funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization of appropria- tions in section 1501 of this Act or in the Supplemental Appropria- tions Act, 2008 (Public Law 110–252; 122 Stat. 2407) and made available to the Department of Defense for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund shall be subject to the conditions contained in sub- sections (b) through (g) of section 1513 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 428). SEC. 150 7 .S P ECIAL TRANSFER AUTHORITY. (a) A U T H OR I T Y TO TR ANSF ER AUTHORI Z ATIONS.— (1) AUTHORITY.— U pon determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action is necessary in the national interest, the Secretary may transfer amounts of authorizations made available to the Department of Defense in this title for fiscal year 2009 between any such authorizations for that fiscal year (or any subdivisions thereof). Amounts of authorizations so transferred shall be merged with and be available for the same purposes as the authorization to which transferred. (2) LI M ITATION.—The total amount of authorizations that the Secretary may transfer under the authority of this section may not e x ceed $ 4,000,000,000. (b) TERMS AN DC ONDITIONS.—Transfers under this section shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as transfers under section 1001. (c) ADDITIONA L AUTHORITY.—The transfer authority provided by this section is in addition to the transfer authority provided under section 1001. SEC. 150 8 . PROHI B ITION ON USE OF UNITED STATES FUNDS FOR CER - TAIN FACILITIES PRO J ECTS IN IRAQ AND CONTRIBU- TIONS BY THE GO V ERNMENT OF IRAQ TO COMBINED OPERATIONS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES IN IRAQ. (a) PROHI B ITION RELATED TO FA C ILITIES FOR G O V ERNMENT OF IRA Q .— (1) PROHIBITION ON AVAILABILITY OF UNITED STATES FUNDS FOR PRO J ECTS.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), amounts authorized to be appropriated by this title may not be obligated or expended for the acquisition, conversion, rehabilitation, or installation of facilities in Iraq for the use of the Government