Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4872

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12 2 STA T .48 4 9PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 Sec.304 . Expansio no f e m e rg enc y or d era uth ority. Sec. 30 5 . P rohi b ition of indi v idua l s from performing safety - sensitive functions for a violation of ha z ardous materials transportation la w . Sec. 30 6 . R ailroad radio monitoring authority. Sec. 30 7 . U pdate of F ederal Railroad A dministration ’ s website. Sec. 30 8 . Emergency waivers. Sec. 30 9 . Enforcement by the Attorney G eneral. Sec. 3 1 0. C riminal penalties. TI T L EI V— RAILR O A D SAFET Y E NH ANCE M ENTS Sec. 401. Minimum training standards and plans. Sec. 40 2 . Certification of certain crafts or classes of employees. Sec. 403. Trac k inspection time study. Sec. 404. Study of methods to improve or correct station platform gaps. Sec. 405. Locomotive cab studies. Sec. 406. Development and use of rail safety technology. Sec. 407. Unified treatment of families of railroad carriers. Sec. 408. Study of repeal of Conrail provision. Sec. 409. Limitations on non-Federal alcohol and drug testing by railroad carriers. Sec. 410. Critical incident stress plan. Sec. 411. Railroad carrier employee exposure to radiation study. Sec. 412. Alcohol and controlled substance testing for maintenance-of-way employ- ees. Sec. 413. Emergency escape breathing apparatus. Sec. 414. Tunnel information. Sec. 415. Museum locomotive study. Sec. 416. Safety inspections in Mexico. Sec. 417. Railroad bridge safety assurance. Sec. 418. Railroad safety infrastructure improvement grants. Sec. 419. Prompt medical attention. Sec. 420. Employee sleeping q uarters. TITLE V—RAIL PASSENGER DISASTER FAMILY ASSISTANCE Sec. 501. Assistance by National Transportation Safety B oard to families of pas- sengers involved in rail passenger accidents. Sec. 502. Rail passenger carrier plan to assist families of passengers involved in rail passenger accidents. Sec. 503. Establishment of task force. TITLE VI—CLARIFICATION OF FEDERAL J URISDICTION OVER SOLID W ASTE FACILITIES Sec. 601. Short title. Sec. 602. Clarification of general j urisdiction over solid waste transfer facilities. Sec. 603. Regulation of solid waste rail transfer facilities. Sec. 604. Solid waste rail transfer facility land-use exemption authority. Sec. 605. Effect on other statutes and authorities. TITLE VII—TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS Sec. 701. Technical corrections. (c)AMEND MEN TOFTI T L E 49.—Ex c eptaso t h e rwi se express ly pro v i d ed , whe n ever in this division an a m endment or repeal is expressed in terms o f an amendment to, or a repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall b e considered to be made to a section or other provision of title 49, U nited S tates C ode. SEC.2 . D E FIN I T I O NS. (a) I N G ENE RA L.—In this division

( 1 ) CRO S SIN G .—The term ‘ ‘crossin g’ ’ means a location within a State, other than a location where one or more railroad trac k s cross one or more railroad tracks at grade where— (A)ap u blic highway, road, or street, or a private roadway, including associated sidewalks and pathways, crosses one or more railroad tracks either at grade or grade - separated

or ( B ) a pathway explicitly authori z ed by a public authority or a railroad carrier that is dedicated for the 49USC201 02 note.