Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/5192

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12 2 STA T .5 1 69CON C UR R E NT RESO L UT I ONS —J UNE 5 , 2 0 0 8moti o n,a m e n d ment, o rc on f erence re p ort t h ata u thori z e s the F ood and D ru gA dministration to regu l ate products and assess user fees on manufacturers and importers of those products to co v er the cost of the Food and Drug Administration ’ s regu - lator y activities, b y the amounts provided in that legislation for those purposes, provided that such legislation w ould not increase the deficit over either the period of the total of fiscal years 20 0 8 through 20 13 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2008 through 2018 .( 2 ) D RUGIMPO R TA TIO N . —T he C hairman of the S enate Com- mittee on the B udget may revise the aggregates, allocations, and other levels in this resolution for a bill, j oint resolution, motion, amendment, or conference report that permits the safe importation of prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration from a specified list of countries, by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, pro- vided that such legislation would not increase the deficit over either the period of the total of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or the period of the total of fiscal years 2008 through 2018. (e) MED I C AID.— (1) R U L E S OR ADMINISTRATI V E ACTIONS.—The Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget may revise the allocations, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for a bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report that includes provisions regarding the implementation or administration of regulations or other administrative actions pertaining to Medicaid or SC HIP or includes provisions regarding administrative guidance issued in August 200 7 affecting SCHIP or any other administrative action that would affect SCHIP in a similar manner by the amounts provided in that legislation for those purposes, provided that such legisla- tion would not increase the deficit over either the total of the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or the total of the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2018. (2) TRANSITIONAL MEDICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget may revise the allocations of a committee or committees, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amendments, motions or conference reports that e x tend the Transitional Medical Assistance program, included in title X IX of the Social Security Act, by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legislation would not increase the deficit over either the total of the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2013 or the total of the period of fiscal years 2008 through 2018. (f) O T H ER IMPROVEMENTS IN HEALTH.—The Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Budget may revise the allocations of a committee or committees, aggregates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for one or more bills, joint resolutions, amend- ments, motions, or conference reports which— (1) ma k e health insurance coverage more affordable or available to small businesses and their employees, through pooling arrangements that provide appropriate consumer protections, or through reducing barriers to cafeteria plans