Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/527

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12 2 STA T .504PUBLIC LA W 110 – 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 TI T LEX XI —ARMYSec.210 1. Authoriz e d Ar my co ns truction a nd l and ac q uisition p ro j ects. Sec. 2102. F amily housin g . Sec. 210 3 . I mpro v ements to military f amily housing units. Sec. 210 4 . Authorization of appropriations , Army. Sec. 210 5 . T ermination of authority to carry out fiscal year 200 7 Army projects for w hich funds were not appropriated. Sec. 210 6 . Technical amendments to M ilitary C onstruction Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 2007. Sec. 2107. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project. Sec. 210 8 . Ex tension of authorization of certain fiscal year 2005 project. Sec. 210 9 . G round lease, S OU T H COM headquarters facility, Miami -D oral, Florida. SEC.210 1. AUTHORIZ E D AR MY CO N STRUCTION AND L AND AC Q UISI - TION P RO J ECTS. (a)INSIDETH E U NITED S T A TES .— U sing a mou n t sa p p r opriat ed pursuant to t h e authori z ation o f appropriations in se c tion 2104 (a)(1) , the Secretar y of the A rmy may ac q uire rea l property and carry out military construction pro j ects for the installations or locations inside the United States, and in the amounts, set forth in the follo w ing ta b le


e U nited S t a tes State Insta l lati o nor L o c ation Amo u nt Ala b ama ............. Anniston Army Depot ................................... $ 26,000,000 R edstone Arsenal ........................................... $22,000,000 Alas k a ................ Fort Richardson ............................................. $92,800,000 Fort W ainwright ............................................ $114,500,000 Arizona .............. Fort Huachuca ............................................... $129,600,000 California ........... Fort Irwin ....................................................... $24,000,000 P residio, Monterey ........................................ $28,000,000 Colorado ............. Fort Carson .................................................... $156,200,000 Delaware ............ Dover Air Force B ase .................................... $17,500,000 Florida ............... Miami Doral ................................................... $237,000,000 Georgia .............. Fort Benning .................................................. $189,500,000 Fort Stewart / Hunter Army Air Field ........... $123,500,000 Hawaii ............... Fort Shafter ................................................... $31,000,000 K ahuku Training Area .................................. $10,200,000 Schofield Barracks ......................................... $88,000,000 Wheeler Army Air Field ................................ $51,000,000 Illinois ................ Rock Island Arsenal ...................................... $3,350,000 Kansas ............... Fort L eavenworth .......................................... $102,400,000 Fort Riley ....................................................... $140,200,000 Kentucky ........... Fort Campbell ................................................ $113,600,000 Fort Knox ....................................................... $6,700,000 Louisiana ........... Fort Polk ........................................................ $15,900,000 Maryland ........... Aberdeen Proving Ground ............................ $12,200,000 Michigan ............ Detroit Arsenal .............................................. $18,500,000 Missouri ............. Fort Leonard Wood ........................................ $136,050,000 N evada ............... Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant .......... $11,800,000 New J ersey ........ Picatinny Arsenal .......................................... $9,900,000 New Mexico ....... White Sands Missile Range .......................... $71,000,000 New York ........... Fort Drum ...................................................... $311,200,000 North Carolina .. Fort Bragg ...................................................... $287,200,000 Oklahoma .......... Fort Sill .......................................................... $7,500,000 South Carolina .. Fort Jackson .................................................. $85,000,000 Texas .................. Camp Bullis ................................................... $1,600,000