Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/810

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12 2 STA T .78 7 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 (e)AUTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S.—Th e r e a rea ut h o r iz e d to b ea p propriated f or c arr y i ng out the acti v itie s of the C o m mission $2,10 0,000 for the first fisca l year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act and $1,100,000 for the second fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC.3 3 4 . HUD S ON-F U LT ON-CH AMP LA I N Q UAD R ICENTENNIAL COMMEMORATION COMMISSION. (a) COOR D INATION.— E ach commission established under this section shall coordinate w ith the other respective commission estab - lished under this section to ensure that commemorations of H enry Hudson, R obert F ulton, and S amuel de Champlain are— (1) consistent with the plans and programs of the commemorative commissions established by the States of N ew Y or k and V ermont

and (2) well-organized and successful. (b) DE FINITIONS.— I n this section

(1) CHA M P L AIN C OMMEMORATION.—The term ‘ ‘Champlain commemoration ’ ’ means the commemoration of the 4 00th anniversary of the voyage of Samuel de Champlain. (2) CHAMPLAIN COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Champlain Commission’’ means the Champlain Q uadricentennial Commemoration Commission established by subsection (c)(1). ( 3 ) COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Commission’’ means each of the Champlain Commission and the Hudson-Fulton Commis- sion. (4) HUDSON-FULTON COMMEMORATION.—The term ‘‘Hudson- Fulton commemoration’’ means the commemoration of— (A) the 200th anniversary of the voyage of Robert Fulton in the Clermont; and ( B ) the 400th anniversary of the voyage of Henry Hud- son in the Half M oon. ( 5 ) HUDSON-FULTON COMMISSION.—The term ‘‘Hudson- Fulton Commission’’ means the Hudson-Fulton 400th Commemoration Commission established by subsection (d)(1). ( 6 ) L A K E CHAMPLAIN B ASIN PRO G RAM.—The term ‘‘Lake Champlain Basin P rogram’’ means the partnership established by section 120 of the Federal W ater Pollution Control Act (33 U .S.C. 12 7 0) between the States of New York and Vermont and Federal agencies to carry out the Lake Champlain manage- ment plan entitled, ‘‘ O pportunities for Action: An Evolving Plan for the Lake Champlain Basin’’. (7) SECRETAR Y .—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior. (c) ESTABLISHMENT OF CHAMPLAIN COMMISSION.— (1) IN GENERAL.—There is established a commission to be known as the ‘‘Champlain Quadricentennial Commemoration Commission’’. (2) MEMBERSHIP.— (A) COMPOSITION.—The Champlain Commission shall be composed of 10 members, of whom— (i) 1 member shall be the Director of the National Park Service (or a designee); (ii) 4 members shall be appointed by the Secretary from among individuals who, on the date of enactment of this Act, are—