12 2 STA T .790PUBLIC LA W 110 – 229 —M A Y8, 2008 (i)the40 0th an ni v e rs ar yof the voya g eof H enry H ud son , the first E uro p ean to sai l up the Hudson R iver
and (ii) the 2 00th anniversary of the voyage of Ro b ert F ulton, the first person to use stea m navigation on a c ommercial basis; ( B ) facilitate activities relating to the Hudson - Fulton- C hamplain Q uadricentennial throughout the U nited S tates; (C) coordinate the activities of the Hudson-Fulton Commission w ith — (i) State commemoration commissions; (ii) appropriate Federal agencies; (iii) the N ational P ar k Service, with respect to the Hudson River V alley National Heritage A rea; (iv) the American Heritage Rivers I nitiative Inter- agency Committee established by E x ecutive O rder 13 0 6 1, dated September 11, 1 9 9 7
(v) the National Endowment for the Humanities; (vi) the National Endowment for the Arts; and (vii) the Smithsonian Institution; ( D ) encourage civic, patriotic, historical, educational, artistic, religious, economic, and other organi z ations throughout the United States to organize and participate in anniversary activities to expand the understanding and appreciation of the significance of the voyages of Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton; (E) provide technical assistance to States, localities, and nonprofit organizations to further the Hudson-Fulton commemoration; (F) coordinate and facilitate for the public scholarly research on, publication about, and interpretation of, the voyages of Henry Hudson and Robert Fulton; ( G ) ensure that the Hudson-Fulton 2009 commemora- tions provide a lasting legacy and long-term public benefit by assisting in the development of appropriate programs and facilities; and (H) help ensure that the observances of Henry Hudson are inclusive and appropriately recognize the experiences and heritage of all people present when Henry Hudson sailed the Hudson River . (e) C OM M IS SIO NME E T IN G S.— (1) INITI AL MEETING.—Not later than 30 days after the date on which all members of a commission established under this section have been appointed, the applicable Commission shall hold an initial meeting. (2) MEETINGS.—A commission established under this sec- tion shall meet— (A) at least twice each year; or (B) at the call of the Chairperson or the ma j ority of the members of the Commission. (3) Q U O R UM.—A majority of voting members shall con- stitute a q uorum, but a lesser number may hold meetings. (4) C H AIR P ERSON AN DV I C E CHAIRPERSON.— (A) ELECTION.— T he Commission shall elect the Chair- person and the Vice Chairperson of the Commission on an annual basis. Deadlin e .