Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/893

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12 2 STA T .870PUBLIC LA W 110 – 22 9—M A Y 8 , 2008 Governm en ts on Ju ne 30,2 00 4 , whic hsh al l serve as the authorit y to im p lement the provisions thereo f’ ’

an d( 2 ) in the first sentence of su b section (b), by insertin g before the period at the end the following

‘, including A rticle X of the F ederal P rograms and S ervices Agreement B etween the Government of the U nited States and the Government of the R epublic of the M arshall I slands, as amended under the Agreement to Amend Article X that was signed by those two Governments on June 18 , 2004, which shall serve as the authority to implement the provisions thereof’’ . (b) EF F ECTIV E DA TE. —T he amendments made by this section shall be effective as of the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC.802 . FUND S TO F A C IL ITATE FEDE R AL ACTI V ITIES. Unobligated amounts appropriated before the date of enactment of this Act pursuant to section 10 5 (f)(1)(A)(ii) of the C ompact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 shall be available to both the United States Agency for International Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to facilitate each agency’s activities under the Federal Programs and Services Agree - ments. SEC. 80 3 . CONFOR M IN G AMENDMENT. (a) I N GENE R A L .—Section 105(f)(1)(A) of the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 (48 U.S.C. 1 9 21d(f)(1)(A)) is amended to read as follows: ‘‘(A) E M ER G ENC Y AN D DI S ASTER ASSISTANCE.— ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Sub j ect to clause (ii), section 221(a)( 6 ) of the U.S. – FSM Compact and section 221(a)(5) of the U.S.–RMI Compact shall each be con- strued and applied in accordance with the two Agree- ments to Amend Article X of the Federal Programs and Service Agreements signed on June 30, 2004, and on June 18, 2004, respectively, provided that all activi- ties carried out by the United States Agency for Inter- national Development and the Federal Emergency Management Agency under Article X of the Federal Programs and Services Agreements may be carried out notwithstanding any other provision of law. In the sections referred to in this clause, the term ‘United States Agency for International Development, O ffice of Foreign Disaster Assistance’ shall be construed to mean ‘the United States Agency for International Development’. ‘‘(ii) DEFINITI O NOF W ILL P ROVIDE F U NDING.—In the second sentence of paragraph 12 of each of the Agreements described in clause (i), the term ‘will pro- vide funding’ means will provide funding through a transfer of funds using Standard Form 1151 or a similar document or through an interagency, reimburs- able agreement.’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made by subsection (a) shall be effective as of the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. 48USC192 1 dnote. 48 USC 1921 note.