Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1721

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123STA T . 1 70 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 22 —M A Y 20 , 200 9agenci e s s oth at se rv ice organi z ations in r u ra l areas an d rural co m munities are most e f fectivel y reached and su p ported .(b)ACQUIS I T I ON O FS U P PO R TIN GI NFOR MA TION. — In carrying out the study under this section , the C omptroller G eneral shall see k to obtain vie w s from the following persons

( 1 ) T he Secretary of Agriculture. ( 2 ) The Secretary of H ousing and U rban D evelopment. ( 3 ) The Secretary of Health and Human Services. ( 4 ) The Secretary of E ducation. ( 5 ) The Secretary of L abor. ( 6 ) The Secretary of V eterans Affairs. ( 7 )TheE x ecutive Director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness. ( 8 ) P ro j ect sponsors and recipients of homeless assistance grants serving rural areas and rural communities. ( 9 ) Individuals and families in or from rural areas and rural communities who have sought or are seeking F ederal homeless assistance services. (1 0 ) N ational advocacy organizations concerned with homelessness, rural housing, and rural community develop - ment. (c) EFF E CTI V E DATE.—This section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this division. TI T LEV—R E P E A L S A NDCO N F OR M IN G AMENDMENTS SEC.150 1. R E P E AL S. Subtitles D, E, and F of title IV of the M c K inney-Vento Home- less Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11391 et se q ., 11401 et seq., and 11403 et seq.) are hereby repealed. SEC. 150 2 .C ONF OR MI N G AMEN D MEN T S. (a) CONSO L I D ATED PLAN.—Section 403(1) of the McKinney- Vento Homeless Assistance Act (as so redesignated by section 1101(2) of this division), is amended— (1) by striking ‘ ‘current housing affordability strategy ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘consolidated plan’’

and (2) by inserting before the comma the following: ‘‘(referred to in such section as a ‘comprehensive housing affordability strategy’)’’. (b) PERSONS E X PERIENCING HOMELESSNESS.—Section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302), as amended by the preceding provisions of this division, is further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ‘‘(e) PERSONS EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESS.—Any references in this Act to homeless individuals (including homeless persons) or homeless groups (including homeless persons) shall be considered to include, and to refer to, individuals experiencing homelessness or groups experiencing homelessness, respectively.’’. (c) R URAL HOUSING STA B ILIT Y ASSISTANCE.—Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is amended by redesig- nating subtitle G (42 U.S.C. 11408 et seq.), as amended by the preceding provisions of this division, as subtitle D. 42USC1 1 36 1 .