Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/203

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123STA T . 1 8 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B.1 7, 2 0 0 9for f iscalye ar 20 0 9,wh e n e v er enac t e d , shall b ee qu al to the a m ounts res p ectively available for these activities under these sec - tions durin g fiscal year 200 8 increased by the amount of inflation as specified in section 61 9 ( d ) (2)( B ) of the IDEA:Provide d fu r th er ,T hat $4 00,000,000 shall be available for section 619 of the IDEA and $ 5 00,000,000 shall be available for part C of the IDEA .REHABIL I T ATI ONS E RV I C E S AN D DISABILIT Y RESEARCH F or an additional amount for ‘ ‘Rehabilitation Services and Dis- ability Research ’ ’ for providing grants to States to carry out the V ocational Rehabilitation Services program under part B of title I and parts B and C of chapter 1 and chapter 2 of title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 19 73 , $680,000,000: Provided, That $540,000,000 shall be available for part B of title I of the Rehabilita- tion Act: Provided further, That funds provided herein shall not be considered in determining the amount required to be appro- priated under section 100(b)(1) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in any fiscal year: Provided further, That, notwithstanding section 7(14)(A), the Federal share of the costs of vocational rehabilitation services provided with the funds provided herein shall be 100 per- cent: Provided further, That $140,000,000 shall be available for parts B and C of chapter 1 and chapter 2 of title VII of the Rehabilitation Act: Provided further, That $18,200,000 shall be for State G rants, $87,500,000 shall be for independent living cen- ters, and $34,300,000 shall be for services for older blind individ- uals. ST U DENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE For an additional amount for ‘‘Student Financial Assistance’’ to carry out subpart 1 of part A and part C of title IV of the H igher Education Act of 1965 (‘‘HEA’’), $15,840,000,000, which shall remain available through September 30, 2011: Provided, That $15,640,000,000 shall be available for subpart 1 of part A of title IV of the HEA: Provided further, That $200,000,000 shall be avail- able for part C of title IV of the HEA. The ma x imum P ell Grant for which a student shall be eligible during award year 2009 – 2010 shall be $4,860. STUDENT AID AD M INISTRATION For an additional amount for ‘‘Student Aid Administration’’ to carry out part D of title I, and subparts 1, 3, and 4 of part A, and parts B, C, D, and E of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, $60,000,000. HI G HER EDUCATION For an additional amount for ‘‘Higher Education’’ to carry out part A of title II of the Higher Education Act of 1965, $100,000,000. INSTITUTE O F EDUCATION SCIENCES For an additional amount for ‘‘Institute of Education Sciences’’ to carry out section 208 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act, $250,000,000, which may be used for Statewide data systems that include postsecondary and wor k force information, of which 20USC1 0 7 0 anote.Gr ant s .