Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/605

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123STA T .58 5 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 —M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9inth i sAc t maybe t r ans f erre d bet w een s u cha p pr o priations , but no such appropriation, e x cept as otherwise specifica l ly pro v ided, shall be increased by more than 10 percent by any such transfers


d, T hat any transfer pursuant to this section shall be treated as a repro g ramming of funds under section 5 05 of this Act and shall not be available for obligation except in compliance with the procedures set forth in that section: Provided fu r th er, That none of the funds appropriated to ‘ ‘ B uildings and F acilities, Federal P rison S ystem ’ ’ in this or any other Act may be transferred to ‘‘Salaries and E xpenses, Federal Prison System’’, or any other D epartment of J ustice account, unless the President certifies that such a transfer is necessary to the national security interests of the U nited States, and such authority shall not be delegated, and shall be sub j ect to section 505 of this Act . S EC . 2 0 6 . The Attorney G eneral is authori z ed to extend through September 3 0, 2010, the Personnel M anagement Demonstration Project transferred to the Attorney General pursuant to section 1115 of the H omeland Security Act of 2002, Public L aw 10 7– 2 9 6 ( 6 U.S. C . 533 ) without limitation on the number of employees or the positions covered. SEC. 207. N otwithstanding any other provision of law, Public Law 102–395 section 102(b) shall extend to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in the conduct of undercover investigative operations and shall apply without fiscal year limita - tion with respect to any undercover investigative operation initiated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that is necessary for the detection and prosecution of crimes against the United States. SEC. 20 8 . None of the funds made available to the Department of Justice in this Act may be used for the purpose of transporting an individual who is a prisoner pursuant to conviction for crime under State or Federal law and is classified as a maximum or high security prisoner, other than to a prison or other facility certified by the Federal Bureau of Prisons as appropriately secure for housing such a prisoner. SEC. 209. (a) None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be used by Federal prisons to purchase cable television services, to rent or purchase videocassettes, videocassette recorders, or other audiovisual or electronic e q uipment used primarily for recreational purposes. (b) The preceding sentence does not preclude the renting, maintenance, or purchase of audiovisual or electronic equipment for inmate training, religious, or educational programs. SEC. 210. None of the funds made available under this title shall be obligated or expended for Sentinel, or for any other major new or enhanced information technology program having total esti- mated development costs in excess of $ 100,000,000, unless the Deputy Attorney General and the investment review board certify to the Committees on Appropriations that the information tech- nology program has appropriate program management and con- tractor oversight mechanisms in place, and that the program is compatible with the enterprise architecture of the Department of Justice. SEC. 211. The notification thresholds and procedures set forth in section 505 of this Act shall apply to deviations from the amounts Notif i ca tio n.Ap p l ica b ilit y . Cer tification. I n v e s ti g ations. Applicability. 28US C 53 3 note. P ro j ect e x tension. 5USC3 104 note. Presi d ent. Certification.