Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/964

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123STA T .94 4 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 09 fundi n gw i l l be e xp ended at t h e Ac ade my, and thi s plan is submitted t o the H ouse and S enate C ommittees on App r opriations .SHIPD ISP O S ALF or necessary expenses related to the disposal of obsolete v es - sels in the N ational D efense R eserve Fleet of the M aritime Adminis- tration, $15 , 0 00,000, to remain available until expended. ASSIS T A NCE TOS M ALL SHIP Y A R DS T oma k e grants to q ualified shipyards as authori z ed under section 3 50 6 of P ublic L aw 10 9– 163 or section 5 4 101 of title 46, U nited States Code, $1 7 ,500,000, to remain available until expended


d, That to be considered for assistance, a qualified shipyard shall submit an application for assistance no later than 60 days after enactment of this Act: Provided fu r th er, That from applications submitted under the previous proviso, the Secretary of Transportation shall make grants no later than 1 2 0 days after enactment of this Act in such amounts as the Secretary determines: Provided further, That not to exceed 2 percent of the funds appro- priated under this heading shall be available for necessary costs of grant administration. MARITIME GU ARANTEED LOAN ( TITLE X I ) PROGRAM ACCOUNT (INCLUDING TRANS F ER OF FUNDS) For administrative expenses to carry out the guaranteed loan program, not to exceed $3,531,000, which shall be transferred to and merged with the appropriation for ‘ ‘ O perations and Training ’ ’, Maritime Administration. SHIP CONSTRUCTION (RESCISSION) Of the unobligated balances available under this heading, $1,3 8 2,554 are rescinded. ADMINISTRATI V E PROVISIONS — MARITIME ADMINISTRATION SEC. 175. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Maritime Administration is authorized to furnish utilities and services and make necessary repairs in connection with any lease, contract, or occupancy involving G overnment property under control of the Maritime Administration, and payments received therefor shall be credited to the appropriation charged with the cost thereof: Provided, That rental payments under any such lease, contract, or occupancy for items other than such utilities, services, or repairs shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. SEC. 176. No obligations shall be incurred during the current fiscal year from the construction fund established by the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 ( 46 U.S.C. 53101 note (cds ) ), or otherwise, in excess of the appropriations and limitations contained in this Act or in any prior appropriations Act. SEC. 177. Section 51509 of title 46, United States Code, is amended in subsection (b) by deleting ‘‘$4,000’’ and inserting in lieu thereof ‘‘$8,000’’ and by inserting ‘‘tuition,’’ after ‘‘uniforms,’’. Grants.De a dli nes.