Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2922

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124 STAT. 2896 PUBLIC LAW 111–275—OCT. 13, 2010 TITLE X—OTHER MATTERS SEC. 1001. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. (a) CHAPTER 1.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item relating to section 118 and inserting the following new item: ‘‘118. Submission of reports to Congress in electronic form.’’. (b) CHAPTER 11.—Section 1114(r)(2) is amended by striking ‘‘$$2,983’’ and inserting ‘‘$2,983’’. (c) CHAPTER 17.—Chapter 17 is amended as follows: (1) In each of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 1717(a)(2), by striking ‘‘the date of the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of 2010’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘May 5, 2010’’. (2) In section 1785— (A) by striking ‘‘section 2811(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300hh –11(b))’’ and inserting ‘‘section 2812 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300hh)’’; and (B) by striking ‘‘paragraph (3)(A) of’’. (d) CHAPTER 19.—Chapter 19 is amended as follows: (1) In the third sentence of section 1967(a)(3)(B), by striking ‘‘spouse,,’’ and inserting ‘‘spouse,’’. (2) In the second sentence of section 1980A(h), by inserting ‘‘section’’ before ‘‘1968(a)’’. (e) CHAPTER 20.—Section 2044(e)(3) is amended by striking ‘‘fiscal year’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal years’’. (f) CHAPTER 30.—The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 30 is amended by striking the item relating to section 3020 and inserting the following new item: ‘‘3020. Authority to transfer unused education benefits to family members for career service members.’’. (g) CHAPTER 33.—Chapter 33 is amended as follows: (1) In section 3313(c)(1), by striking ‘‘higher education’’ each place it appears and inserting ‘‘higher learning’’ (2) In section 3313(d)(3), by striking ‘‘assistance this chapter’’ and inserting ‘‘assistance under this chapter’’. (3) In section 3313(e)(2)(B), by inserting a period at the end. (4) In section 3316(b)(2), by striking ‘‘supplement’’ and inserting ‘‘supplemental’’. (5) In section 3316(b)(3), by striking ‘‘educational payable’’ and inserting ‘‘educational assistance payable’’. (6) In section 3318(b)(2)(B), by striking ‘‘higher education’’ and inserting ‘‘higher learning’’. (7) In section 3319(b)(2), by striking ‘‘section (k)’’ and inserting ‘‘subsection (j)’’. (8) In section 3321(b)(2), by striking ‘‘3312’’ and inserting ‘‘section 3312 of this title’’. (h) CHAPTER 35.—Section 3512(a)(6) is amended by striking ‘‘this clause’’ and inserting ‘‘this paragraph’’. (i) CHAPTER 36.—Section 3684(a)(1) is amended by striking ‘‘,,’’ and inserting a comma. 38 USC 3001. 38 USC 1114. 38 USC 101.