Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/296

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with minerals, a duty of one half cent for each bottle containing not more than one pint; when containing more than one pint and not more than one quart, one cent; when containing more than one quart, for each additional quart or fractional part thereof, one cent.

Pig iron. On pig iron, a duty of two dollars per ton.

Blooms, &c. On blooms, slabs, or loops, when made in forges or bloomeries, directly from the ore, a duty of three dollars per ton.

Railroad iron. On railroad iron, a duty of three dollars per ton.

On railroad iron, rerolled, a duty of two dollars per ton: Provided, That the term rerolled shall apply only to rails for which the manufacturer receives pay for remanufacturing, and not for new iron.

On all iron advanced beyond blooms, slabs, or loops, and not advanced beyond bars, and band, hoop, and sheet iron, not thinner than number eighteen wire gauge, and plate iron not less than one eighth of an inch in thickness, a duty of three dollars per ton: Provided, That a ton shall, for all the purposes of this act,Ton to be two thousand pounds. be deemed and taken to be two thousand pounds.

Band, hoop, and sheet iron. On band, hoop, and sheet iron, thinner than number eighteen wire gauge, plate iron less than one eighth of an inch in thickness, and cut nails and spikes, not including nails, tacks, brads, or finishing nails, usually put up and sold in papers, whether in papers or otherwise, nor horseshoe nails wrought by machinery, a duty of five dollars per ton: Provided, That bars, rods, axe-polls, bands, hoops, sheets, plates, nails, and spikes, not including such as are usually put up in papers, nor horseshoe nails wrought by machinery, as before mentioned, manufactured from iron, upon which the duty of three dollars has been levied and paid, shall be subject only to a duty of two dollars per ton in addition thereto, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.

Iron castings. On iron castings used for bridges or other permanent structures, a duty of three dollars per ton.

Stoves and hollow-ware.
[Railroad chairs, &c., post, p. 476.]
On stoves and hollow-ware and castings of iron exceeding ten pounds in weight for each casting, not otherwise provided for, a duty of three dollars per ton.

On rivets exceeding one fourth of an inch in diameter, nuts and washers not less than two ounces each in weight, and bolts exceeding five sixteenths of one inch in diameter,Rivets. a duty of five dollars per ton: Provided, That when a duty upon the iron from which rivets, nuts, washers, and bolts, as aforesaid, shall have been made, has paid a duty of not less than three dollars per ton, a duty only, in addition thereto, shall be paid of two dollars per ton: Provided, further, That castings of iron, and iron of all descriptions advanced beyond pig iron, blooms, slabs, or loops, upon which no duty has been assessed or paid in the form of pig iron, blooms, slabs, or loops, shall be assessed and pay, in addition to the foregoing rates of iron so advanced, a duty of three dollars per ton.

Steel. On steel, in ingots, bars, sheets, or wire, not less than one fourth of an inch in thickness, valued at seven cents per pound or less, a duty of five dollars per ton; valued at above seven cents per pound, and not above eleven cents per pound, a duty of ten dollars per ton; valued at above eleven cents, a duty of twelve dollars and fifty cents per ton: Provided, That steel rolled, and sheet, rod, or wire made of steel upon which a duty has been assessed and paid, shall be assessed and pay a duty of five per centum ad valorem upon the increased value only thereof.

Post, p. 476.
On steam-engines, including locomotive and marine engines, a duty of three per centum ad valorem.

Post, p. 476.
On quicksilver produced from the ore, a duty of two per centum ad valorem.

Copper, &c.
Post, p. 477.
On copper and lead ingots, pigs or bars, and spelter and brass, a duty of three per centum ad valorem.

On rolled brass, copper rolled, yellow sheathing-metal, in rods or sheets,