Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/304

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duty of three per centum on the gross amount of all their receipts of every description. But when the gross receipts of any such bridge or toll-road shall not exceed the amount necessarily expended to keep such bridge or road in repair, no tax shall be imposed on such receipts: Provided, That all such persons, companies, and corporations shall have the right to add the duty or tax imposed herebyPost, p. 485. to their rates of fare whenever their liability thereto may commence, any limitations which may exist by law or by agreement with any person or company which may have paid or be liable to pay such fare to the contrary notwithstanding.Post, p. 478.

Express companies.


Sec. 104. And be it further enacted, That any person, firm, company, or corporation carrying on or doing an express business, shall be subject to and pay a duty of three per centum on the gross amount of all the receipts of such express business.

Insurance companies.


Sec. 105 And be it further enacted, That there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of one and a half of one per centum upon the gross receipts of premiums, or assessments for insurance from loss or damage by fire or by the perils of the sea, made by every insurance company, whether inland or marine or fire insurance company, and by every association or individual engaged in the business of insurance against loss or damage by fire or by the perils of the sea; and by every person, firm, company, or corporation, who shall issue tickets or contracts of insurance against injury to persons while travelling by land or water; and a like duty shall be paid by the agent of any foreign insurance company having an office or doing business within the United States; and that in the account or return to be rendered, they shall state the amount insured, renewed, or continued, the gross amount of premiums received and assessments collected, and the duties by law accruingPost, p. 478. thereon for the quarter then next preceding.



Sec. 106. And be it further enacted, That for every passport issued from the office of the Secretary of State, there shall be paid the sum of five dollars; which amount may be paid to any collector appointed under this act, and his receipt therefor shall be forwarded with the application for such passport to the office of the Secretary of State, or any agent appointed by him, to be transmitted to the commissioner of internal revenue, there to be charged to the account of such collector. And the collectors shall account for all moneys received for passports in the manner hereinbefore provided, and a like amount shall be paid for every passport issued by any minister or consul of the United States, who shall account therefor to the treasury.

Telegraph companies.


Sec. 107. And be it further enacted, That any person, firm, company, or corporation owning or possessing or having the care or management of any telegraphic line by which telegraphic despatches or messages are received or transmitted, shall be subject to, and pay a duty of, five per centum on the gross amount of all receipts of such person, firm, company or corporation.

Theatres, &c.


Sec. 108. And be it further enacted, That any person, firm, or corporation, or the manager or agent thereof, owning, conducting, or having the