Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/424

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396 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 253. 1864. Supplies to be such supplies, so purchased or contracted for, shall be subject to careful l”SP°°°°d· inspection, and all clothing and camp and garrison equipagc, shall be subject to a double inspection, first, as to the quality of the material, and second, as to the kind and character of the workmanship, which inspection shall in all cases be performed by a competent inspector, with suitable assistants, who shall have had ample experience in the inspection of Pavments for cloth, clothing, knapsacks, camp and garrison equipage; and all payments 1%

‘§’,l’6‘“· h°"’ for supplies so purchased shall be made under the direction of the officers

` in charge of the several divisions above mentioned, upon receipts or certificates from the officers inspecting and receiving such supplies, prepared in such form and attested in such manner as may be prescribed by the quartermaster-general. pspcts for rc- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the °**.“'mS and d'? quartermaster-general to establish depots, from time to time, at places contnbutiugsupplies . t t th . . I . . tl H ld f. . . U d d. t .b t. fo,. ,,,,1,,,,, m um vemen o e principa armies in ie e , or receiving an is ri u mg eicld. the supplies necessary for such armies, and for the detachments, posts, and hospitals most accessible to such depots, and the business of inspecting, weighing, measuring, and receiving supplies for such armies, detachments, posts, aqd hospitals, apld of givingh ipcpipts or dcertiiiczptes therefor 15 thq persons urms in suc supp ies, s a ecarrie on as ar as prac ica ea such depots; but die quartermaster-general, or the heads of the several divisions above mentioned, may cause such supplies to be sent from the place of purchase directly to the quartermasters of the commands for whose use they are procured, in any cases where it may be more economical or advantageous so to do; and in cases where horses, mules, clothing, or camp and garrison equipage may be so sent, suitable and competent inspectors shall be sent to examine the same before they shall be issued and receipted for. In emergencies, Sec. 4. And ce it further enacted, That when an emergency shall '“Pl{l“°s mW be exist requiring the immediate procurement of supplies for the necessary obtained without ° . ,dv€,,,S€,,,e,,t_ movements and operations of an army or detachment, and when such supplies cannot be procured from any established depot of the quartermaster’s department, or from the head of the division charged with the duty of furnishing such supplies, within the required time, then it shall be lawful for the commanding officer of such army or detachment to order the chief quartermaster of such army or detachment to procure such supplies during the continuance of such emergency, but no longer, in the most expeditious manner, and without advertisement; and it shall be the duty of such quartermaster to obey such order; and his accounts of the disbursement of moneys for such supplies shall be accompanied by the order of the commanding officer as aforesaid, or a certified copy of the same, and also by a statement of the particular facts and circumstances, with their dates, constituting such emergency. eguafiomasm Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the gu,$;,0m;,T quart6rmaSter·general, immediately after the passage of this act, and at statements cry least once in every month thereafter, to require from the principal quar-

f,§uf;t::“d¤ termasters of the several military departments and depots, approximate

' statements of the aggregate amounts of supplies on hand, and estimates of the additional amounts required for the service for the ensuing month, stating at what places such supplies will be required, and what amounts are legally contracted for but not yet delivered. And it shall be the duty of the heads of the several divisions above mentioned to cause to be made purchases or contracts for the supplies which the quartermaster-general may estimate to be necessary in accordance with law, and all quartermasters shall forthwith report to the quartermaster-general, to be referred to the heads of the several divisions above mentioned, all contracts not yet fulfilled which they may have executed on behalf of the United States, and all proposals which they may have received in answer to advertisements for future supplies, and shall hereafter regularly report to the