Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/425

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 253. 1864. 397 quartermaster-general copies of all contracts made and all proposals ree Copies ofcouceived for supplies of any kind to be furnished. And if any quarter- *"*`~°*i* md P"°‘ master shall neglect or refuse, for the space of one month, to report; to p°§>z;,,,ty M the quartermaster-general any such contract or proposal, such neglect or nvglevting, &¢·, refusal shall be deemed prima facie evidence of fraud, and the pay of :;’a;‘;g°gz“c°°“' such quartermastcr shall be stopped until he shall have made a satisfac·` tory explanation to the Secretary of War of suclrneglect or refusal. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all inspectors of horses, mules, Inspeetorstobe clothing, fuel, forage, lumber, hired transports, and other supplies of the ¤W<>f¤· quartermasteis department, shall be sworn (or aiiirmed) to perform their duties in a faithful and impartial manner, and shall, for any corruption, Penaltyforcorwilful neglect, or fraud in the performance of their duties, be liable ro ;‘;Pj;‘;';·gQf“1 punishment by nne and imprisonment, by sentence of court-martial or g ’ ' military commission; and if any contractor or person furnishing such Penalty ippon supplies or transportation shall give, or offer to give, to any inspector of :;’;'*F°“l°L °' such supplies or transportation, or to any other person for his use, directly mQ°,;;?Qg,c:'},0 or indirectly, any money or other valuable consideration, such person giv- inspectoring, or offering to give, such money or other valuable consideration, shall forfeit to the United States the full amount of his contract or contracts with the United States, and the name and ofence of such person shall be published in general orders, and also in one newspaper of general circulation nearest to his place of residence. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of the sixteenth . A8°“*’f°' ***1 section of the act entitled "`An act to dehne the pay and emoluments of Ztggreszgncgysjn certain officers of the army, and for other purposes," approved July ject tc. &c· seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall apply to all persons en- 1862- °h· 20*% gaged in executing the contracts therein referred to, whether as agents of l xii 5% such contractors or as claiming to be assignees thereof, or otherwise, and Bai, auéacd to all inspectors employed by the United States for the inspection of sub- &c. ’

istence, clothing, arms, ammunition, munitions of war, or other description of supplies for the army or navy of the United States: Provided,

That any person arrested to answer charges for a. violation of the provisions of this act, or of the act to which it is in addition, shall be admitted to bail for his appearance to answer the charges made against him before any court-martial constituted to try him, in such sums and with such sureties as shall be designated and approved by the judge of the district court of the district in which the arrest is made, or the offence is charged to have been committed, or any commissioner appointed by such court. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That if any contractor or person Penalty on furnishing supplies or transportation shall give, or offer to give, or cause ;‘;;3`;;t;l:“p;‘{;`;8 to be given, to any officer or employee of the quartermastefs department &e., for aiming," having charge of the receipt or disposition of the supplies or transporta- fw, m°¤igEY· &¤·» tion furnished by him, or in any way connected therewith, any money or §ci"K,°:lu;:;g,_ other valuable consideration, directly or indirectly, all contracts and char- master‘s departters with such person shall, at the option of the Secretary of War, be null “‘°“*•&°· and void; and if any officer or employee of the quartermastefs depart- ac:g;Qn°‘T’:;hf°' ment shall knowingly accept any such money or other valuable considera- money, tion from such person, he shall be deemed guilty of malfeasance, and shall be punished by fine and imprisonment, or both, as a court-martial or military commission may direct. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That whenever it shall become R¤l¤¤ for necessary to purchase any steam or sailing vessel for the use of the quar— f($;°,l;:°é?lQ($: termaster’s department, the same shall be first inspected by one or more masters departeompetent naval officers detailed in accordance with the provisions of the m°¤’· “act authorizing the detail of naval officers for the service of the War Department/’ approved February twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, 1862,ph. 21. and all steam-vessels shall be inspected by an officer skilled in the con- V°l· *“· P- 338- struction and operation of steam machinery, in addition to the other usual inspection of such vessels: Provided, That the provisions of this section Proviso. von. xm. Pun. -- 34.