Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/981

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INDEX. 951 Secretary of War, (continued.) Seminoles, (continued.) may sell at public auction land of the treaty with, of March 21, 1866 . 755 United States at South_Boston ... 486 peace and friendship with the United to issue all orders relating to military States and with other tribes ... 755, 756 operations through the general of the military occupation and protection by the army, &c ... 486, 487 United States .. 756 to disburse the appropriation for fire·proof amnesty for 01i°`ences against the United buildings for storehouses for ovem- States and the Seminoles 756 ment property at Jetfersonvi1le,§nd... 487 · slavery not to exist among the Semito prescribe regulations for payment of noles . 756 expenses of certain California and Ne- rights of those of African descent ... 756 vada volunteers 487 eession of lands to the United States 756 to approve of expediency of purchasing payment therefor. 756 sites for fpermanent an temporary sea- grant of land to the Seminoles . 756 coast de ences , . 488 boundaries thereof and payment to detail a board of ofiieers to make ex- therefor ... 756 periments to test the power of resist- mode of payment of money due the Semance of turret and broadside systems inoles l. . ... 756, 757 of iron-clad vessels of war, and the rel- board of commissioners to determine alive power and resistance of guns, losses sustained by loyal Seminoles 757 plated ships, and stone forts ... 488, 489 census of those loyal .. 757 te receive certificate of the extreme no- no compensation except to loyal Inoessity of the case before rations or dians . 757 supplies are furnished the Navajo In- awards of commissioners ... 757 dians .. . ... 514 pay of commissioners . 757 to transfer to national asylum for dis- what claims for losses included . 757•.·d volunteers certain property of right of way for railroad company through the United States remaining at Point land of the Seminoles 757, 758 Lookout _ ... 564 the company and its agents and serto contract with lowest bidder, after ad- vants subject to laws and rules. .. 758 vertisement for proposals, to remove Seminoles will sell lands on line of road, the wreck of the steumship Scotland . . 564, to the United States or to the company 758 565 conditions as to sale .. . 758 to investigate the claims of certain Ken- agency buildings and land therefor .. 758 tucky militia forces called out under legislation as to rights of persons and the command of James S. Fish. . ._ 566 property . , . 758 to purchase David’s Island, in Long a general council of the nations resident Island Sound .. 566 m the Indian Territory .. 758 may grant the use of certain vessels or census of each tribe to be taken 758 hulks to commissioners of quarantine, first general council how composed . 758, &c. . . , . 569, 570 759 to contract with Henry R. Brown for time and place of meetings 759 equestrian statue, in bronze, of Brevet sessions not to exceed thirty days. .. 759 Lienrenant·Genera1 Winfield Scott 571 special sessions ... 759 tocarry into effect the recommendations powers of genernl council . 759 of certain commissioners respecting who to preside over ... 759 water-power for arsenal at Rock Isl- secretary of council and his pay 759 and ... . . . . 573 pay of members .. 759 Sedgewiek, John,courts and their jurisdiction 759 accounts of, as collector of internal reve- treaty to be in full settlement ot ull nue, to be audited and settled 644 claims . 759 Seeds, diversions of annuities confirmed ... 759 appropriation for purchase and distribu- annuities not to be diverted . 7 59, 760 tion of . 201, 451, 452 treaty obligations rentlirmcd 760 rare and uncommon, to be pur- land granted for missionary or educachased . 201, 452 tional purposes . 760 those which can be made profitable not to be sold except, &e. . _ . 7 60 by change . 452 when sold, proceeds how apphed. . . 760 report of expenditures on this ac- inconsistent provisions nnnulled ... . 760 count to be made to Congress 452 ratification ... 761 Segregation Maps and Surveys appropriations for the . 263, 319, 320, 507 of swamp and overflowed lands in Cali- Senate, _ fornia, provisions concerning . 219, 220 appropriation for the compensation of of- Seizure of Goods, licers of, and {or expenses of the 24, 25, 91, as subject to forfeiture, provisions con- _ 327, 440, 441, 469 cerning 169 extraordinary session of the, convened for under the customs duty law 186 April 1, 1867 .. 821 Sctkures. See Internal Revenue. Senators in Congress, _ _ certain internal-revenue officers may be appropriation for compensation and milespecially authorized to make  » . 482 age of. . . p . . 440 powers of such officers 482 complete set of Congressional Globe and special authority, how limited .. 482 Appendix to certain 440 Seminoles, act to regulate the times and manner of may convey lands to the United States. . 788 holding elections for 243