Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/24

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xxiv LIST OF THE FRIVATE RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Page Esther Fisk. An act granting a pension to Esther Fisk. July 27, 1868, ch. 387 . .. 426 William O. Dodge. An act granting a pension to William O. Dodge. July 27, 1868, ch. 388 426 Solomon Gause. An act granting a pension to the widow of Solomon Gauss. July 27, 186B,_ch. 426 389.. . .. . ... . . . . Emily B. Bidwell and Sarah Hackleman. An act granting an increase of ppnsion to Emily B. Bidwell, widow of Bjigfadier-Geneiiiallz Daniel D.JB]dwel1, and tohSara) Hackleman, widow 26 ofBri<>·a.dier-General easant A. _ kleman. u y 27, 1868, c . 39 . . . ... 4 Samuel Tibbells. An act for the relief of Samuel Tibbetts. July 27, 1868, ch. 391 . 427 Chauncey D. Rose. An act granting a pension to Chauncey D. Rose, father of Alyin J. Rose, late {sergeant veteran in ccmpan§A,_second regiment. of Ohio cavalry volunteers, who was k7l1l<;6 dg18g2t}` F k g Ap l ht on h nd da dsx t five July 427 1 e mac cna ive or s, ir ima, ri one,e1g e u re n xy- . 2 , 8, . . .. Nelson Ty}. An act to relieve Nelson Tift, of Georgia, of disabilities. July 27, 1868, ch. 393. . . 427 A. W. Ballard. An act for the relief of A. W. Ballard. July 27, 1868, ch. 394 . . . . . . .. 427 PRIVATE RESOLUTIONS. [No. 6.] .R2dT—Adm|h'Gl H. IC Thatcher. A resolution authorizing Rear-Admiral H. K. Thatcher to accept a decoration from the King of the Hawaiian Islands. January 11, 1868 429 [No. 21.] Israel S. Diehl. A resolution for the relief of Israel S. Diehl. March 12, 1868 . 1 429 [Nc. 22.] James McIntosh. A resolution instructing the superintendent of the Asylum for the Insanein the DistrictfofhCglumbia,· tf] admit James McIntosh on the same footing as inngent insane persons o the istrict. arc 12 1868 429 [No. 26.] Major A. L. Brewer. A resolution for the xielief of the heirs of Major A. L. Brewer, late a paymaster in the United States army. March 30, 1868 .. 429 [No. 27.] Beals and Dixon. Joint resolution for the relief of Beals and Dixon. April 11, 1868 430 [No. 2%] _ George W. Doty. A resolution for the relief of George W. Doty, a commando in the mted States navy, on the retired list. May 19, 1868 430 [N0. il? Captain James F. Armstrong. Joint resolution for the restoration of Captain James . Armstrong, United States navy, to the active list from the retired list. June 16, 1868. . 430 {Nc. 36.] John M. Palmer. Joint resolution for the relief of John M. Palmer. June 17, 1868. 430 [No. 44.] Robert L. Lindsay. Joint resolution for the relief of Robert L. Lindsa . June 25 tees y i 431 [No. 45.] National Association of Arnerican Sharpshooters. Joint resolution toanthoriae retary_of the Treasury to remit the duties on certain articles contributed to the National [ Association of American Sharpshooters. June 25, 1868 .. 431 No. 46. Hygeia Hotel. Joint resolution to thtb l t f h HH l 1} n.-0., vr.·g¤.i.. n... 25, r22s.?'}?? . . T’.`T'Tf‘T€*?T`T7`T . .‘{ . T .‘?. . .’Z?7‘f‘. . fit T`? .3. [No. 50.] George W Doty. A resolution for the relief of Geo W. D t dth United States navy, on the retired list. July 3, 1868. . . J. . .6J . .? 432 [No. 53.] John Sed wick. Joint resolution for the r l' f f J h S dk ll t f ' revenue, thirdq district California. July 7, 186)8lG. . 3 .i J. 432 [No. 57.] Accounts if certain Officers and Agents. Joint resolution in relation to the settlement of the accounts of certain omcers and agents who have disbursed public money under the direction of the chief of engineers. An y 13, 1868 . .. 432 [No. lgegngy B. Ste. Marie. Joint resolution for the relief of Henry B. Ste. Marie. July , ... . 433 [No. 66.] Z M. Hall. Joint resolution for the relief of Z. M. Hall. July 90, 1868 433 [Nc. 70K;] _ Aaron K. Hughes. A resolution for the restoration of Obmmander Aaron K. Hughes, mted States navy, to the active list from the retired list. July 28, 1868 ... 433 [No. 7h] thiegzrfgk fggpycyltadjulgoéngt agsgution for the relief of Peter M. Carmichael, surveyor · , ..».. . . . ... 433 [No. 85.] Andrew S. Core. A resolution to construe an act entitled, "An act to authorize the accounting ofdcors of the treasury to settle the accounts of Andrew S. Core." July 27, 1868 433 [No. 86.l]68J¢mathan S. Turner. A resolution for the relief of Jonathan S. Turner. July 27, N . .. . . ... 434 [ c. 87.] artha E. Kang. Joint resolution for the relief of Martha E. King. July 27, 1868. . 434