Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/507

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CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. FEB. 8, 1867. 475 Amucnr. III. Amrxcuno 3°. The citizens of thte contracting Se permitira ales ciudadanos de Right otresiparties shall be permitted to enter, las partes contratautes entrar, mo- €°°9° °¤fl*°d° sojourn, settle, and reside in all parts rar, establecerse y residir en todas °m°°°’ of said territories, and such as may las partes de dichos territorios, y los wish to engage in business shall que deseen dedicarse a negocios, have the right to hire and occupy tendran derecho para tomar en alwarehouses, provided they submit to quiler y ocupar almacenes, siempre the laws, as well general as special, que se sometan a. las leyes, asi generelative to the rights of travelling, rales como especiales, relativas a los residing, or trading. While they derechos de viajar, residirétraficar. conform to the laws and regulations Miéntras se conformen con las leyes in force, they shall be at liberty to y reglamentos vigentes, tendran manage themselves their own busi- libertad de manejar ellos mismos ness, subject to the jurisdiction of sus propios negocios con sujecion a either party, as well in respect to la jurisdiccion de cada parte, asi con the consignment and sale of their respecto a la consignacion y venta. goods by wholesale or retail as with de sus mercancias por mayor 6 respect to the loading, unloading, menor, como con respecto a la carand sending off their ships. They ga, descarga y despacho de sus may also employ such agents or buques. Tambien podran emplear toemploy brokers as they may deem proper, aquellos agentes 6 corrcdores que °€°¤*·*¤ and shall in all these cases be treat- erean conveniente, y en todos estos ed as the citizens of the country casos seran tratados como los ciudawherein they reside; it being, never- danos del pais donde residan, ententheless, distinctly understood that diéndose, sin embargo, claramente, they shall be subject to such laws que tambien en cuanto a la venta and regulations also in respect to por mayor 6 menor estaran sujetos wholesale or retail. They shall zi tales leyes y reglamentos. Tenhave free access to the tribunals of dran abiertos los tribunales de justi- to hrwq freq justice, in cases to which they may cia en las eausas en que puedan ser €,$'f$:,$f“d’°‘“1 be a party, on the same terms which partes, en los mismos términos que are granted by the laws and usage las leyes y uso del pais concedan a of the country to native citizens; los ciudadanos naturales, para lo for which purpose they may employ cual podran emplear en defensa de in defence of their interests and sus intcreses y derechos aquellos rights such advocates, attorneys, abogados, procuradores y otros and other agents as they may think agentes que crean conveniente. proper. Anrxcmc IV. Amicuto 4°. The citizens of each of the high Los ciudadanos de cada una de I-il>9Yfy of contracting parties, residing in the las altas partes contrutantes resi- :;°f?;?$$,2°§,;’]d other, shall enjoy the most perfect dentes en la otra, gozaran de la mas ship. liberty of conscience. They shall perfecta libertad de conciencia, sin be subjected to no inconveniences ser molestados de ningun modo por whatever on account of their re- su creencia religiosa. Ni seran de ligious belief, nor shall they in any ninguna manera incomodados ni manner be annoyed or disturbed in perturbados en el ejercicio de su culto the exercise of their religious wor- religioso en casas particulares, 6 en ship in private houses, or in the las capillas y lugares que elijan al chapels and places which they may efecto, siemprc que observen el deselect for that purpose; provided, coro debido a. las leyes, usos y costhat in so doing they observe the tumbres del pais. Se conviene asi decorum due to the laws, usages, and mismo, en que los ciudadanos de un customs of the country. It is likewise pais que mueran en el territorio del agreed that the citizens of the one otro puedan ser enterrados, 6 en los