Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/508

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476 CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. F EB. 8, 1867. bul;§h*°f country dying in the territory of cementerios comunes, 6 en otros que ' the other, may be interred either m sean elejidos a ese fin, con el con. the ordinary cemeteries or in such sentimiento de las autoridades loothers as may be selected for that cales, por su propio gobierno, 6 por purpose by their own government, sus amigos 6 representantes persoor by their personal friends or rep- nales. Todos esos cementerios y las resentatives, with the consent of the proeesiones tunerales, 6en su ida 6 local authorities. All such ceme- en su vuelta, seran protejidas de teries and fhneral processions, going violacion 6 perturbaeion. to or returning from them, shall be protected from violation or disturbance. Anrrcta V. Amrcuro 5°. Di¤P°5m<>¤ of The citizens of each of the high Los ciudadanos de cada una de gffynal pr°p` contracting parties, within the juris- las altas partes -contratan·tes, dentro diction of the other, shall have de la jurisdiccion de la otra, tendran _ power to dispose of their personal poder para disponer de sus bit-nes property by sale, donation, testa- mucbles por venta, donacion, testament, or otherwise;. and their per- mento, 6 de otro mode; y sus represonal representatives, being citizens sentantes personales. siendo ciuof the other contracting party, shall dadanos de la otra parte contratansucceed to their personal property, te, sucederan en sus bicnesmuebles, whether by testament or ab intestate. ya sea por testamento, 6 ab intesta- They may take possession thereof, to. Pedran tomarposesion de ellos, either by themselves or by others bien sea por si mhmos, 6 por otros acting for them, at their pleasure, que hagan sus veces, scgun sn voand dispose of the same, paying luntad, y disponcr de los mismos, such duty only as the citizens of the pagando solo aquellos derechos que country wherein the said personal estuvieren sn_j<·tosapagaren iguales property is situated shall be subject cases los ciucladanos del pais en to pay in like cases. In the absence donde estuvieren situados los dichos of a personal representative, the biencs muehles. A falta de represame care shall be taken of the scntante personal se cuidara dc los property as by law would be taken bienes del mismo mode que se cuiof the property of a native in a daria con arreglo a las leyes de los similar case, whilst the lawful own- biencs de un natural cn case someer may take measures for securing jante, micntras el legitimo ducfio it. If a question should arise among tome providencias para asegurarlos. claimants as to the rightful owner- Si se suscitare cuestion entre lcs ship of the property, the same` shall reclamantes sobre la legitima probe finally decided by the judicial pivdad de los bienes, aquella sera tribunals of the country in which it detinitivamente dccidida por los is situated. tribunales de `usticia del pais donde °,Rg:;;;¢:¤¥° When on the deccase of any per- se hallaren esilos situados. d,&md_ son holding real estate within the Cuando al morir alguna persona territory of ono party, such real es- que tenga bienes raiees, dentro del tate would by the law of the land territorio de una parte, ellos pasadesccnd on a citizen of the other, rian segun el derecho de la tierra, é. were he not disqualified by alienage, uu ciudadano de la otra, si no lo in the longest term which the laws of habilitara su vcalidad de extrangero, the country in which it is situated se le concedera el mayor plazo que will permit shall he accorded to permitan las leyes del pais donde him to dispose of the same; nor estuviercn situados, para disponer shall he be subjected, in doing so, to de ellos, y no sera. sometido, cuando higher or other dues than if he lo hagaaotros ni mas altos derechos, were a citizen of the country where- que los que deberia pagar si fuera iu such real estate is situated. ciudadano del pais en que tales bienes raices esten situados.