Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/656

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(Y24 TREATY WITH THE UTE INDIANS. BIARCH 2, 1868. mtftggdtigmi And whereas the foregoing amendment having been fully explained ' and interpreted to eertain duly authorizedehiefs and headmen of the Tabeguache, Muache, Capote, Weeminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uiny tab bands of Ute Indians, they did, to wit: those of the Grand River and Uintah Ute Indians on the fifteenth day of August, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, those of the Yampas on the first day of September, in the same year, those of the Tabeguaches and Muaches on the fourteenth day of September, in the same year, those of the Capote Utes on the twenty-fourth day of September, in the same year, and those of the Weeminuche Utes on the twenty-fifth day of September, in the same year, give their free and voluntary assent to the said amendment in a writing, which, after reciting the aforesaid action of the Senate and its said proposed amendment, concludes in the words and figures following, to wit: —— Whereas the Senate of the United States has advised and consented to the ratification of the treaty made on the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, with the Tabaguache, Muache, Capote, Weeminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Uintah bands of Ute Indians, with the following amendment, to wit:-- In Article XIII. strike out the following words: “ also one good bull for every twenty—[five head of ] cows, and such further sums annually, in the discretion of Congress, as may be necessary, not to exceed forty-five thousand dollars per annum, and not for a longer period than four years, shall be expended as aforesaid to every lodge or head of a family that shows a disposition to preserve said stock for increase." Now, therefore, we, the chiefs and headmen of the aforesaid named bands of Ute Indians, duly authorized by our people, do hereby assent and agree to the said amendment, the same having been interpreted to us, and being fully understood by us. Witness our hands and seals on the days and dates set opposite our names respectively. gymsé, Signatures. Interpretation of Names. Band mss. """""""""""`""—§” W ”“ Aug. 15 SAC-WE-CCH gin White Look of Hair. _:;: ml! • TAXI-NACH Uk Granite Rock. E PAH·AH-PITCH Iii Sweet Herb. 5 ml! . TAB·Y-OU—SOUCK·EN Nh Sun Rise. g ELI I SHOU~WACH—A·WICKET Sak Rain Bow. W1: . p PE-AH SK Black Tail Deer. mark. AH-UMP SIR Pine Tree. Q ID}: . __ AN-TRO IK Rocking. E: mm):. ¤' mn xx water. g ml! . QUIR-NAUCH Ig; Eagle. § "`ii ‘ " YAH·MAH-NA IC Briar. E rink.