Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/808

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7 76 INDEX. Kearney, Major-General Philip, Kiowa and Qomanche Indians, (continued.) condemned iron cannon grunted to oom- military posts . . . . 585 lem a mqnument to, und to other no treaty for eession of reservation to be lfnion soldiers et Tivoli, New York.. . 343 valid, upless, &c . . .. 585 Keck, John Q. A., in employing farmer, &.c: preference to be pension to ... 377 given to the Indians, ii, &c. . _ . : . . . 585 Kelly, Ann, United States to furnish physicians, pension to ... 386 teachers', &e, ... .. .. 585 Kelly, John, house for l`osh·e-wa. .. 585 pension to. .. . . . . . ... 371 presents for best crops. ... . . . . . 585 Kelly, libc/zael, reservation to be permanent home of pension to . .. 361 _ tribes ,. r  : .. 585 Kelly, Samuel, Kiowa, Conutnclte, and Apache Trtbes o/`Indtans, claim of} for carrying the mails, to be set- treaty with the, October 2l, I867._ .. . 589 tled ... . . . . 357 the A aches agree to become mcorpo· Kennamer, Captain John B., rated) with the Kiowas and Comanches. 590 payment to his company of scouts aud advantages of former treaty to be shared guides . 457 by the Agches ... . - 590 Kennebec Arsenal, annuities, . tobe shared by the Apaches 590 approprietion for . 66 annuities to be based on census. 590 Kentucgy, annual apppopriatiou increased . 590 post-roads established in 47, 189, 329, 347 census to taken _ . _ t 590 Kickapoos, Apaches to observe stipulations of origiappropgetions for the .. 208 ual treaty .. 590 Kimber y, illium Ii, to keep the peace. ._ ... 590 may rebuild military storehouse at Fort to give up certain rights ... 590 Monroe, Vu. . . . 250 Kiowas, King, Charles H. B., appropriations for the . 199 pension to ... 450 Klamaths, King Iilarthu E., appropriations for the . 208 payment and pension to ... 434 Knapp, Zephaniah, Kinsel, Rebecca Jane, pension to ... 371 pension to ... 377 Keck, Bernard, Kiowa and Comanche Tribes of Indians, proclamation cancelling contract with 697 treaty with the, of October 21, 1867 . 581 war to ceuso and peace to be kept. .. 581 L offenders against the Indians to be arrested 581 · wr0ng—d0ers against the whites to be pun- Labels, ished. . . ... 581 for cigars, how affixed, form of . 162 damages, how ascertained. . 582 for tobacco, how uilixed, form of 156 reservation boundaries . 582 Laborers, certain persons not to enter or reside in executive or judicial departments, pay on. . .. 582 of; established .. 287 additional arable land to be added, if} Ladders, &c ,.. . 582 mode wholly of wood, exempted from inbuildings on reservation ... 582 ternal tax .. . . . 6, 11 agent’s residence, office, and duties .. 563 Lakes Erie heads of families may select land for form- und Ontario, surve s, plans, and estimates ing ... Z ... 583 to be made for ship canal to connect 21 others muy select land for cultivation.. . . 583 Lake Traverse, surveys of reservations 583 agent for Sissiton, &c. Sioux Indians, to alienation and descent of property .. 583 be located at. . . 509 education . , .. 583 Lake Wz`nncbcz_g0shz's}t I ndians, children to attend school ... 583 nppropriations for the . . 203, 204 school-houses and teachers . 583 Lamar, Elizabeth, seeds and agricultural implements to be pension to ... 410 furnished to whom .. 583 La. Marsh, John, instruction in lltrming to be given .. 584 pension to ... 412 blecksniith to be provided . 584 Lqmplighzers, 51-. physician, fhrmer, &e. may be withdrawn 584 appropriations for , II8, 309 additional appropriation in such ease 584 Land, delivery of goods in hou of annuities ..r. 584 provisions respecting the right of citizens clothing, other necessary articles 584 of either country to hold, &c. in treaty army officers to attend the delivery. . 584 with Madugascur . .. 492 census to he taken 584 with Nicaragua ... 553, 554 right to occupy territory outside of reser- Land Claims, vation surrendered . . 584 act to confirm certain private, in the Terright to hunt reserved . 584 ritory of New Mexico ... 342 agreements as to railroads. ..,. 585 Land District, einigrants and emigmnt travellers. . 585 portions of Nevada and California, to women and children .. 585 constitute n. 68 Pacific Railroad, wagon roads, &c. . 585 office to be at Aurora . 68 dumngcs for crossing them reserve.- boundaries of district and location of nous . . , . , . . . . .. 585 lend office may be changed .. 68