Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/568

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534 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 117. 1871. Pay otwatcli- For pay of watchmen and others, thirty thousand two hundred and m “‘°°l“'“°“· ninety-lbur dollars and fifty cents. M" For pay of mechanics and others, seventeen thousand four hundred and — sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents. _ For pay of employees in the department of steam engmery, for machinists, boiler·makers, and others, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Public build- For repairs and improvements of public buildings, fourteen thousand li'?" five hundred dollars. _ _ Contingent For contingent expenses, sixty-four thousand and eighty-nine dollars. °*£;m::cm_ S Marine Oarps.—For pay and subsistence of ollieers of the marine pay gud sui,.' corps, and for pay of non-commissioned officers, musmians, privates, and ¤l¤*°¤°°· others of the corps, seven hundred thousand dollars. Pr<>vi¤i<>¤¤· For provisions, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. ¤1¤¤=i¤s· For clothing, one hundred and sixteen thousand eight hundred and nineteen dollars. Fuel. For fuel, twenty-six thousand one hundred and sixty-nine dollars. Military For military stores, namely: For pay of mechanics, repair of arms, °*°’°“· purchase”of accoutrements, ordnance stores, flags, drums, fifes, and other instruments, twelve thousand dollars. Transports-_ For transportation of officers and their servants, and troops, and for ,*L°“ ***1 '°°““‘*‘ expenses of recruiting, twelve thousand dollars. hm,,,;,, md For repairs of barracks, and rent of offices, where there are no public mnt of ¤¤i<=¤¤· buildings, ten thousand dollars. Contingencies- For contingencies, namely: Freight; ferriagc; toll; cartage; wharf? age; purchase and repair of boats ; labor ; house rent of officers’ quarters; burial of deceased marines; printing, stationery, postage, telegraphing; apprehension of deserters; oil, candles, gas; repairs of gas and water Hxtures; water rent, forage, straw, barrack. furniture; furniture for officers’ quarters; bed-sacks,wrapping-paper, oil-cloth, crash, rope, twine, spades, shovels, axes, picks, carpenters’ tools; keep of a horse for the messenger; repairs to tire-engines, purchase and repair of engine hose; purchase of lumber for benches, mess—tables, bunks ; repairs to public carryall; purchase and repair of hamess; purchase and repair of handcarts and wheelbarrows; scavengering; purchase and repair of galleys, cooking-stoves, ranges; stoves, where there are no grates; gravel for paradegrounds; repair of pumps; brushes, brooms, buckets, paving, and F¤¥¤¤¤;¤PP¤’0· or other purposes, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That the amount of £;$;,";:,Q;x_ fifty thousand dollars appropriated by section nine of an act making uppedition nottu propriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the ° °“""°‘l*’° government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred surplus fund, . &c_uufi\’ gw_ and seventy-one, approved July twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy, 1870-<>h·251»§9· to be expended under the direction of the President in organizing and A"l°’l"am' sending out an expedition to the north pole, shall not be carried to the surplus fund or covered into the treasury until the purpose of said appropriation shall have been completed, but may be applied to expenses of said expedition incurred during any subsequent year that said expedition mag be engaged on its duties. d0£`ll0?£¤\§`l;¢:: _ EC. 2. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to have “ of mm, Wfsm, built, by contract in some private yard, a ilnating iron dock, for the repair may be built by of naval vessels on their stations, and a sum not exceeding one million °°'6%';a_f;ct only dollars is hereby appropriated for this purpose. And the said contract ,,,;,,,,,,8, ,,,,,0,,. shall only be made to the lowest responsible bidder, and on plans and sible biddsr; specifications which shall be open for the inspection of bidders for at least after adver- ninety days before the day of letting said contract, after the public notice

    • ·°°m°¤*• &°· by' advertisement for at least thirty days in at least one daily newsp¤p61‘

published in each of the cities of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, inviting sealed bids for such contract, which bids shall be opened and the award of the contract made publicly by the Secretary of the Navy, at a