Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/569

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FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 117. 1871. 585 time and place to be specified in such notice. And no contract shall be Cost by conmade for a dock under this section at a cost exceeding one million dol- *"‘g;"{l0%‘Q)%$) lam; Provided, That if it be thought best by a board consisting of chiefs ou ’` of the bureaus of of " construction and repairs," “ steam engineering? and “ yards and docks," that plans and specifications shall be invited from rc- Plans and spegponsible builders, engineers, and others outside of the Navy Department, °m°!f°E° the Secretary of the Navy may, by public advertisement, as provided in g;;;,°2mu§c7?’ this section, advertise for such plans and specincations to accompany bids l for the construction of the dock according to the same; in which case the to be referred Secretary of the Navy shall refer all such plans and specifications and *$‘;l’°*"Ifl· H bids and the bids on the plans furnished by the department to a board of °' xw` p` ' at least five experienced officers, a majority of whom shall be constructors and engineers, and one of whom may be an experienced civilian engineer, who shall consider and report which of all the bids is the lowest for the purposes of this contract, taking into consideration the plans and specifications on which they are respectively made: Provided, however, That if mC9:§'“*;;I*° the contract shall be awarded upon plans and specifications furnished by mtg, °°° ty' persons outside of the department, such contract shall not be entered into unless the contractor shall furnish good and sufficient security in at least five hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the reservations on said contract, that the dock, when completed, shall. be portable and safe, and shall in all respects answer the purposes for which it was built. Sec. 3. That no chief of a bureau shall make any contract for sup- G¤¤*;}i¤ ¤¤¤· plies for the navy, to be executed in a foreign country, except it be on §?§5·°,?`Q§:p` first advertising for at least thirty days in two daily newspapers of the naznotmbo city of New York, inviting sealed bids for furnishing the supplies de- gllteyffbtfgau sired, which bids shall be opened in the presence of the Secretary of the except, gm, ’ Navy, and the headsof two bureaus; and contracts shall in all cases be awarded to the lowest bidder; and paymasters for the navy on foreign Pnymnstm stations shall render, when practicable, with their accounts, for settlement, g'g;`g‘g§::u°f;h an official certificate from the resident consul, commercial, or consular certain certinagent of the United States, if there be one, to be furnished gratuitously, <=¤°°1¤¤ to *h¤i¤ vouching that all purchases and expenditures made by said paymasters pum °'°°°‘ were made at the ruling market prices of the port or place at the time of urchase or expenditure. $1:0. 4. That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to accept Resignation or the resignation of any officer in the navy until the number of officers in ;’:‘3*;"¤:3°°l; the grade to which such officer shall belong is reduced to the number bg Mcsping y authorized by law, whose resignation shall take effect on or before the first day of January next, and any officer so resigning shall be entitled Additional to one year’s sea pay in addition to the pay due such officer at the date [;{g:}::"°'° when his resignation shall take eH'ect: Provided, That this section shall pmvm, not apply when the number of officers shall have been reduced to the number allowed by law. S20. 5. That the officers of the medical corps on the active list of the mgggmf navy shall be as follows : —- 0,, activ, ug Fifteen medical directors, who shall have the relative rank of captain. Number, mrtg, Fifteen medical inspectors, who shall have the relative rank of com- :Q{l(l}’;g’°Q;r';‘Pd" mander; and medical in: Fifty surgeons, who shall have the relative rank of lieutenant com- ¤P¢<=*Q¤, •¤¤- mander or lieutenant; and each and all of the above-named officers of g°°°°’ the medical corps shall have the pay of surgeons in the navy as now provided; and medical directors and inspectors, on duty at sea, shall receive the pay of fleet surgeons. _ One hundred assistant surgeons, who shall have the relative rank of swsteut wr master or ensign, with the present pay of assistant surgeon in the navy: g°°“S‘ Provided, That assistant surgeons of three years' service, who have been Proviso. found qualined for promotion by a medical board of" examiners, shall have the pay of past assistant surgeons, as now provided; and passed