Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/595

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FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 120. 1871. 561 Senecas of Mw York. ·- For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on Seneca: qt stock, per act of February nineteen, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, six N§'g8¥°:§* ,6 thousand dollars- va. at. I ai. i t For interest, in lieu of inve tment, on seventy-Eve thousand dollars, at 18**% °£· “- ive per centum, per act of June twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and forty- V°1' ix' p' 8a' six, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. _ For interest, at five per centum, on forty-three thousand and nity dollars, transferred from the Ontario Bank to the United States treasury, per act of June twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. Senecas and S/zawnees. — For permanent annuity, in specie, per fourth Sauacas and article treaty September seventeen, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one %(‘;";‘§°“‘ In thousand dollars.`p' For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, iron and steel, one thousand and sixty dollars. Senecas, Mixed Senecas, and Shawnees, Quapaws, Oonjbderated Peo- $°¤°¤¤¤· rim, Kas/cas/das, Wear, and Piankechaws, Ottawas of Blanchardk Fork, ¥l§?h§:,L;,°§;s’ and Roche de Bwufi and certain Mandotls. -—·-For third of five instal- Quapaws, Coniments for blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, iron and steel for shop ;;d§:;‘;‘;;Q:;l‘ for Shawnees, five hundred dollars. w},,,_ and p,,,;,, For third of six instalments for pay of blacksmith, and for necessary kaalldws. Ollie iron and steel and tools for Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, Zgrgalilgfi one thousand one hundred and twenty-three dollars and twenty-nine site soon; dd cents. (PU RH OB\'— Shawnees. -— For permanent annuity for educational purposes, per wld0W;??;?` fourth article treaty August three, seventeen hundred and ninety-tive, and 616. 620- third article treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and dfty-four, one thousand dollars. Vol. x. p. 1050. For permanent annuity, in specie, for educational purposes, per fourth Vol. vii. p. 161. article treaty September twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third article treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For interest, at five per centum, on forty thousand dollars, for educational purposes, per third article treaty May ten, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. snosnomas. ¤h°¤l¤°¤°¤· Eastern Bands. - For eighth of twenty instalments, to be expended, E°·“°"“l’°“d‘· under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per fifth article treaty July two, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, ten thousand dollars. Western Bands. —- For eighth of twenty instalments, to be expended, W°='=°l‘¤ b¤¤<l¤· under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per seventh article treaty October one, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, live thousand dollars. Mrlhwestern Bands.-For eighth of twenty instalments, to be ex- b¤§&‘lllW¤¤l4>¤ pended, under the direction of the President, in the purchase of such v°1_£m_p_668_ articles as he may deem suitable to their wants, either as hunters or herdsmen, per third article treaty July thirty, eighteen hundred and sixt -three, five thousand dollars. Closhijo Bond. - For eighth of twenty instalments, to expended, Gashipbamt under direction of the President, in the purchase of such articles, including cattle for herding or other purposes, as he shall deem suitable to their vox, xm. p. 682. wants and condition as hunters or herdsmen, one thousand dollars. v01.. xvx. 1*171:.-86