Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/596

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562 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 120. 1871. Shoshones and SHOSHONES AND BANNOGKS.

iies. »S'hoshones.-·-For first of three instalments for the purchase of seed

and implements to the heads of vfamilies or lodges who shall continue to farm (say one hundred families), two thousand Eve hundred dollars. For second of thirty in talments to purchase eight hundred suits of clothing for males over fourteen years of age, the ilannel, hose, calico, and domestics for eight hundred females over the age of twelve years, and such goods as may be needed to make suits for eight hundred boys and girls, thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-four dollars. For iirst of ten instalments for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for one thousand eight hundred persons roaming, and six hundred persons engaged in agriculture, thirty thousand dollars. For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, engineer, farmer, and black- Vei. xv. p. 676. smith, as per tenth article treaty July three, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, six thousand eight hundred dollars. For first of three instalments to be expended in presents for the ten persons who grow the most valuable crops, under same act and treaty, five hundred dollars. For pay of second blacksmith and furnishing iron and steel and other materials, under same article of said treaty, two thousand dollars. Banaocka. Bannoeks.—For second of thirty instalments to purchase four hundred suits of clothing for males over fourteen years of age, the flannel, hose, calico, and domestics for four hundred females over the age of twelve years, and such iiannel and cotton goods as may be needed, to make suits for four hundred boys and girls, six thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars. For second of ten instalments for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for eight hundred persons roaming, and four hundred persons engaged in agriculture, sixteen thousanddollars. For purchase of seeds and agricultural implements to be furnished the gegds of families or lodges who desire to commence farming, ten thousand o ars. For pay of physician, teacher, carpenter, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, six thousand eight hundred dollars. For second of three instalments, to be expended in presents for the ten persons who grow the most valuable crops, five hundred dollars. For transportation of goods that may be purchased for the Shoshones and Bannocks, fifteen thousand dollars. Shcshones and Shos/zones and Bannocks, and other Bands of Idaho and Southeastern g'::_°§::a::2 Oregon.- For this amount, to be expended in such goods, provisions, or ldqhg and other articles as the President may from time to time determine, includg°“*h°¤°*°'” ing insurance and transportation thereof; in instructing in agricultural r°g°n' pursuits; in providing employees, educating children, procuring medi cine and medical attendance; care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm; for the helpless orphans of said Indians; and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, forty thousand dollars. N£l*Ylg:E°“° °*` Six Nations of New York. --14*or permanent annuity in clothing and v01_ vm ,6_ other useful articles, per sixth article treaty November seventeen [eleven], seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. 5i<>¤¤ 9f dif, Sioux of dqferent Tribes, including Santee Sioux in the State of1V6- f°"°t ”‘b°°’ '"' bras/ca. - For the erection of a steam circular saw·mill with ist-mill eluding Santee _ _ _ s sr Sioux in the and shingle-machine attached, eight thousand dollars. E:·::;:fN°‘ For first of three instalments for purchase of seeds and implements v,,_x}_`,,_63.,_ to be furnished heads of families or lodges (say six hundred), fifteen thousand dollars.