Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/60

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26 FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1869. For fifteenth of twenty instalments for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and support of smith and. carpenter shop, and providing the necessary tools therefor, in conformity with tenth article of the treaty of December twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and nfty-four, fifteen hundred dollars. V§“‘;‘;;°°’·669 Navqfoes.-—For such articles of clothing, or raw materials in lieu ° 'p`thereon for eight thousand Navajoe Indians, not exceeding five dollars each Indian, in conformity with eighth article treaty June first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, forty thousand dollars. For seeds, farming implements, work cattle, and other stock for fourteen hundred families,.in conformity with seventh article of above-named treaty, one hundred and forty thousand dollars. _ For survey of the Navajoe Indian reservation, in conformity with fifth article treaty of June first, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, thirty- six thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. For insurance and transportation for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, fifteen thousand dollars. For deficiency in the appropriation for amount of deficiency expended in subsisting the Navajoes at the Bosque Redondo, according to the contract made by Theodore H. Dodd, from the twenty-second of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, until their removal to their old homes, one thousand one hundred and fifty-five dollars and ninety cents. Sinsiton and Sissiton and Warpcton.—For survey of reservation for the Sissiton ¥'g{l’;$’"‘ 506 and Warpeton bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians, as per third, fourth, ` ip.and fifth articles of the treaty with said Indians of February nineteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, forty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ME? P°\'°° I"` Nez Perce Ifndians. --- For last of five instalments of second series for v,,,_,m_I,_ gm, beneficial objects, at the discretion of the President, per fourth article treaty of June eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the support of two schools, one of which schools to be an agricultural and industrial school, keeping in repair school buildings, and for providing suitable furniture, books, and stationery, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of teaching and two teachers, per fifth article treaty eleventh ilune, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand two hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair blacl<smiths’, tinsmiths’, gunsmiths’, carpenters, and wagon and plough makers! shops, and for providing necessary tools therefor, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for the employment of one superintendent of farming, and two farmers, two millers, two blacksmiths, one tmner, one gunsmith, one carpenter, and one wagon and plough maker, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand five hundred dollars. For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair saw and flouring mill, and for furnishing the necessary tools and fixtures therefor, per fifth article treaty eleventh June eivhteen hundred and fift -1ive five hundred dollars. ’ U y l For_tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the hospital, and providing the necessary medicines and furniture therefor, per fifth article gritfty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred o ars. For tenth of twenty instalments for pay of a physician, per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, one thousand two hundred dollars.