Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/61

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t FORTY—FIRS'I` CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1869. 27 E • • • • • • • Y P In-

For tenth of twenty instalments for keeping in repair the buildings for

f the various employees, and for providing the necessary furniture therefor, i per fifth article treaty eleventh June, eighteen hundred and fifty·hve, two

 hundred dollars.

l For tenth of twenty instalments for the salary of such person as the i tribe may select to be their head chief, peg figthaagtilgle treaty eleventh

 June eighteen hundred and fift -fivc, five un re dollars.
 Fdr list of four instalments f6 enable the Indians to remove and locate

t upon the reservation, to be expended in plonghing· land and fencing lots, l t as per first clause fourth article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundred Vol- xw- p- 649- . and sixty-three, fifteen thousand dollars.

 For fourth of the sixteen instalments for boarding and clothing_the

§ children who shall attend the schools, providing the schools and boarding-

 houses with necessary furniture, the purchase of necessary wagons, teams,

i agricultural implements, tools, and so forth, and for fencing of such lands 9 as may be needed for gardening and farming purposes for the schools, as i per fourth clause fourth article treaty of June nine, eighteen hundred and F sixty-three, three thousand dollars.

 For salary of two subordinate chiefs, as per fifth article treaty of June
 nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, five hundred dollars each.

i For third of fifteen instalments to keep the blacl~:smith’s shop in repair t and stocked with the necessary tools and materials, per fifth article treaty

 June ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, five hundred dollars.

i For third of fifteen instalments for repairs of houses, mills, shops, and { so forth, and providing the necessary furnitnrg. t(pols,(p.nd magerials, as , er fifth article treaty June ninth, eighteen hun re an sixty-t ree, two t iliousand dollars. i For salary ofktwo matrons to take charge of the boarding-schools, two f assistant teachers, one farmer, one carpenter, ati;] two mil1ers,has per fifth i article treaty of June ninth, eighteen hundre and sixty-t ree, seven ’ thousand six hundred dollars.

 Oma/zas.-— For the second of fifteen instalments of this amount, being Omahas.

E third of series, in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty sixteenth VOL X· P·1°“· il March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thousand dollars. l For fourth of ten instalments for keeping in repair a. grist and saw L mill, and support of blacksmith shop, per eighth article treaty March six-

 teenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, and third article treaty March Vol. xiv. p. 668.

lf sixth, eighteen hundred and sixtyiiye, ahrc; (hulpdred dollars. t For a of one en ineer, twe ve iun re dollars. · For fodlrth of ten fnstalments for pay of one miller, per same treaties, i nine hundred dollars. E For fourth of ten instalments. for pay of one farmer, per same treaties, 5 seven hundred and twenty dollars. · For fourth of ten instalments for pay of blacksmith, per same treaties, t seven hundred and fifty dollars. 2 Omg6s.- For interest on sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty 0S¤g¤¤· t dollars, at five per centum per annum, being yalue of fifty-fourlpectiong t of land set apart by said treaty for educationa purposes, t tree thousand Vol. vii. p. 240. four hundred and fifty-six dollars. t For interest on three hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum t per annum, to be paid senxiannually, in money or such articles as the { Secretary of the Interior may direct, as per first article treaty of Sep- v0t_xiv_p_6gr_ » tember twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, fifteen thousand t dollars. t For transportation of goods, provisions, and so forth, purchased for the t Great and Little Osage Indians, or so much thereof as may be necessary, three thousand five hundred dollars. Q Ottawa.? and O/zzppewczs of Miclzfgan.-—For second of four equal t annual instalments in coin of the sum of two hundred and six thousand Ottawas and